This year, Norilsk Nickel intends to invest in Bystrinsky GOK 40 billion RUB. This information was provided by Elena Bezdenezhnykh, Vice-President of the company. The Russian giant will continue the borrowed funds. One of their sponsors — the savings Bank of Russia. There are other sources of funding. Part of the money to come from the sale of shares project investors from China. Full cost of implementation of the project will exceed 1 billion USD.
Corporation Norilsk Nickel has already invested in the project more than 40 bln RUB. In 2016 will be invested about 40 billion RUB. It is planned to attract funds of leading Russian banks and Chinese investors. The attachment of the attracted Finance in the capital will provide additional security. Another plus — the risks of distribution will be minimized. In July, the company sold for 10.67% of Bystrinsky project to China Highland Fund. In the future, investors from China can become not just shareholders. Possible their transition to the level of industrial partners at the conclusion of off-take contract for production of Bystrinsky GOK.
Commissioning Bystrinsky GOK in the work scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2017. The production capacity of the concentrator is 10 million tons. The Bystrinsky plant will produce 66,000 tonnes of concentrate of copper, 3.1 million tons of iron ore concentrate. Concentrate gold plant will be able to level 219000 oz. The lifetime of the field will be more than 30 years.
The August operations of Norilsk Nickel was stable. Mines fully coped with the plans for the extraction of raw materials. Concentrator complied with the plans for ore-processing. Factory installed short of fulfilling the plan for the issuance of metallurgists concentrates. Negative values were observed on the background of commissioning. Nadezhdinskiy plant fully implemented the plan for the elaboration of Nickel Converter matte. Nickel plant produced the required amount of primary Nickel, cobalt. Copper plant produced the planned volumes of rough copper, platinum group metals. Last month was a scheduled stop chain processing of disseminated ores. In September, the scheduled complete stop Toph and NMZ. The tofu will repair the mill semi-autogenous grinding, the water supply system. In the NMP will repair the flash smelting furnaces, the cleaning of the flues. The planned renovation of the equipment of the second oxygen plant.