Eurasian Economic Commission suspended the introduction of the resolution on imposition of anti-dumping duties. It is about ferrosilicomanganese Ukrainian production. The suspension will last for the time required to consider the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council. Council meeting is scheduled for the second decade of August. The official word from the Commission claims that the decision is related to the statement of Andrei Kobyakov. It is expected that the treatment is associated with the need for national producers of ferroalloys. The situation is commented Sergey Kudryavtsev. He is the executive director of «Ukrainian Association producers of ferroalloys.» According to the information received is the Belarusian side asked for the suspension of duties actions. The main consumer of Ukrainian ferroalloy production is Belarusian Steel Works.
The decision to impose anti-dumping duties against Ukrainian ferroalloys was adopted in May. blending period is five years. The size of the tariff reaches 26.35% of the cost of products at customs. The situation is illuminated and the official website of the EAEC. Countervailing investigations against Ukrainian ferroalloy production started in late December, 2014. The reason was the statement of Chelyabinsk electrometallurgy plant. It was filed September 19, 2014.
Interestingly, it was Ukraine — the main supplier of ferrosilicon manganese countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. For example, consider the delivery of 2011−2013. During this period, the share of Ukraine in the volume of imports amounted to about 77.4%. In the I half-year figure has risen to the level of 84.1%. Abolition of duty affecting Ukrainian ferroalloys industry lobbied Russia. They stated that the duties would lead to a shortage of raw materials.
ECE is a permanent supranational body regulating the EAEC — Eurasian Economic Union. The work of the Eurasian Economic Commission kicked off February 2, 2012. To date, the composition of ECE include representatives of the five countries. The list includes the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Armenia. Decisions taken by ECE, it is necessary to carry out the EAEC countries in the region.