Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant is a part of Mechel Group. In Russia, the CMP has a leading position in the production of stainless products. In June 2016 Combine melted millionth ton of stainless steel corrosion resistant. Party-record holder was produced in electric shop number 6. The operation department was introduced in 1992. Radical reconstruction was made in 2010. In the process of its implementation into operation a new complex has been introduced. Its main focus — to develop high-quality steel and stainless products. Deliveries of goods produced by Chelyabinsk combine, enterprises produced the main industrial sectors. In 2013, the plant has developed a new class of high-strength stainless steel. It has been designed for holding «Helicopters of Russia».
Sergey Fomchenko, foreman number 6, gave his assessment of the object. Modern equipment installed in the EAF-6 allows the production of high quality stainless products. It is competitive at world level, has a high corrosion resistance. The products can be used in an aggressive environment, it has a high strength and ductility. Due to these qualities of stainless steel CMP actively used in various industrial sectors. In particular, the energy, chemical, engineering, aerospace and others.
Welding of stainless steel strip produced by CMP was enabled to manufacture special equipment. It was intended for nuclear-powered icebreaker «Arktika». New generation vessel was launched on 16.06.2016, in St. Petersburg. Metal plant enables enterprises to eliminate the nuclear sector, the acquisition of the foreign similar products. Stainless tape meets all the technical parameters required for compliance with the Atomic.
Stainless tape generated by combine, designed for anticorrosion surfacing. It is an essential element for the production of the reactor plant. This reactor can be considered the heart of any nuclear icebreaker. The necessary work is performed at the plant ZIO-Podolsk. The enterprise is a division of Rosatom «Atomenergomash». «Arctic» is — the most powerful icebreaker in the world. Its capacity allows to break the ice with a thickness up to three meters.