KAZ Minerals has published the results for the first quarter of this year. According to them, the Group issued 21.5 thousand tons of cathode copper. Includes figures for the development of products produced from Aktogay oxidized raw materials. Its volume reached 1.5 thousand tons of copper cathode. The produced concentrate of copper reached the level of 22.4 thousand tons. These indicators included the volume of copper concentrate produced at Bozshakol. In case keep up the production rate by the end of 2016 the Group will achieve the planned indicators. According to them, production of cathode copper will be 130−155 tons. Volume growth will contribute to further implementation of projects at Aktogay and Bozshakol. In the first quarter, began operation of a new concentrator. It is located at the Bozshakol mine. The main thrust of production — processing of sulfide raw materials. Plans for the conclusion on the required capacity of the Aktogai complex. It focuses on the processing of oxidized raw materials.
Figures for the production of copper cathode in enterprises Boomchicago GOK and East region fell slightly. They amounted to 19.7 thousand tons. Relatively IVквартала 2015 results decreased by 2.6 thousand tons. The deterioration observed on the background of reduction of the content in the raw material of copper. This situation fully meets the expectations of the company. At this rate the production of products to meet designed plans for 2016. According to them, enterprises in the East region and Bozymchak will produce 70−75 thousand tons of cathode copper.
In the first quarter of the Group’s companies produced 10.6 million tons of ore. This figure is 32% higher than the result IVквартала 2015. The increase in the amount of 2.6 million tons was observed on the background of increased production of Aktogay raw materials. Compared Quartal 2015 results have improved more than 10 times. Growth is observed in connection with the beginning of the development of Aktogay and Bozshakol open pit. While in the raw contains an average of 0.65 percent copper.
Concentrate production zinc in Quartile amounted to 19.9 thousand tons. The figure of 1.1 thousand tons lower than in IV quarter of 2015. This is due to the lower content of zinc in the raw material. We are talking about mining in areas Orel and Artemyevskoe mine East region.