The right to develop deposits owned by the Alexandrinsky Alexandrinsky mining company. It is part of Russian copper company. Previously it was assumed that in 2016, the exploitation of the Deposit will be suspended. However, the development of the mine will be produced in the current year. Correction of charts was produced against the background of new geological surveys. Thanks to them we managed to find new deposits of raw materials with high coppercontent.
The current quarry of copper-zinc raw material has been exploited since 1997. However, the assets of the Alexandrinsky field, develop open pit was exhausted in 2008. The depth develop career was 140 meters from the surface. If to speak about absolute levels, their depth above sea level reaches about 420 meters. The width of the Alexandrinsky career was 250 meters in length and 400 metres. To date, a fully perfected AI III ore body. Work is continuing to finalize the fourth ore body by underground methods. Uses a system of floor-by-floor collapse.
Development of the project on construction of the underground mine began in 2001. The first batch of raw materials produced in 2004. It was assumed that production will stop at the end of 2011. Such statements were based on established ore reserves. By the deadline they had fully depleted. However, experts Alexandrinsky mining company has developed a special program. It was intended for dissection IVрудного body. In addition there were works on the construction of new fan installations of the main airing. This stage was implemented in connection with the collapse of the old unit together with the host rocks. The construction of the installation gave the opportunity for more mining. From the first ore body was obtained 170000 tonnes of ore. The content in a given volume of copper was 1.76%.
According to initial estimates in the fourth ore body the raw materials inventory reached 107000 tons. The average content of copper has reached 6.1%. However, the IVтела and subsequent exploration assets were revised upward. Now reserves amount to 200000 tons. The average content of copper is 4.5%. These assets will be developed until the end of 2016. About 40,000 tons will be left for development in 2017.