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Lots of gold and tungsten in Primorye dorazvedat

Over a long enough period of time to carry out work on geological research and study Mikulinskaya Square, located in the Primorsky Territory. It should be noted that the results dorazvedyvaniya quite lived up to expectations as possible, as has opened up new prospects for mining of tungsten, gold, and tin, as did not fail to notice in OAO «Primorgeologiya».

In comparison with the forecasts, which were given earlier, the current levels are increased. For example, it is assumed that in this area it will be possible to produce more than 80 tonnes of gold, about 125 000 — tin, about 70 000 tons of tungsten, and a few hundred tonnes of zinc and lead. Of course, the publication of these figures once suffered deposits in the category of perspective.

Do not underestimate the importance of such intelligence and dorazvedok country industry as a whole. The same «Primorgeologiya» works and on the flanks of the Deaf, which is considered one of the largest gold deposits in the entire Primorye Territory. Projections for this field rather favorable, which should please both the research and those who need the results of their research.

Perceiving search of deposits of base and precious metals, as well as their development as one of the most important tasks, «Primorgeologiya» has left itself a work plan for the next year. For example, in a mandatory plan included the continuation, and possibly the completion of prospecting for Mikulinskaya area. Despite the fact that in the first place in the search list is still gold, other metals, too, will not be neglected by the company, resulting in a plan to create a geological map. Presumably, at the end of the planned work on the map will be marked with tin-tungsten, tin, rare metal and gold sites will also be clarified and fleshed out the contours of their predictions as to in what quantities can be produced here these metals.

It should also be recalled that Rosnedra auction will be held on December 23 this year, the object of which is a polymetallic deposit of Primorsky Krai. Initial payment today announced at 36.6 million rubles. The first draws attention to areas Silinsky Mayakovsky fields Olginsky area.

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