The last big investment corporation «Renova», as part of which the turbine plant, located in the Urals was the acquisition of ninety-percent stake in the well-known German manufacturer nerzhaveek and tool alloys Schmolz + Bickenbach. A prerequisite for such a successful private Russian investment company was a favorable combination of circumstances in the relevant market segment. A wide range of high-quality rental destination from different grades with unique properties, which produces the German plant will allow the Russian company to cement its position in the metal market and to expand the sphere of influence.
Today «Renova» is very interested in a variety of high-tech enterprises division, which are the major consumers of specialty steel. Therefore, its own production of the necessary technological and structural materials required brands will allow Russian businessmen to gain independence from supply problems and reduce the cost of products available on the market. And a wide range of applications semis German production will allow the Russian giant to actively cooperate with mills and firms of different activities.
By itself, the corporation «Renova» includes in its membership a fairly large group of companies in different directions. Moreover, the company's production facilities are located not only in Russia but also in Asian countries, European countries and in America. Although such a powerful potential production of special steel is limited to just one million tonnes per year, and some of the unique alloys — even a few kilos. So, more bad things in the production of steel tool use. More precisely it is the alloys that are used for the manufacture of precision tools provide machining for complex machining of structural parts of aircrafts in the aircraft compartment or in the field of rocketry. Therefore, the acquisition of the main stake in the German company is quite logical continuation of a logical chain. Because now, «Renova» will not only saturate the Russian market a unique, up to now inaccessible products here, but also to take advantage of all the volumes of production capacity of the German plant, its scientific basis and valuable experience in this area of production.