In 1997, the total world production of refined copper (th. M) was 13,554, including in 1973, three thousand tons (14.6%) recycled. Annual growth of world production of these products amounted to 3.9% (510.3 thous. Tonnes). Four of the country's largest manufacturer is: CSHA, Chile, Japan and China — have provided 51.8% of world production of refined copper from both primary and secondary raw materials, and the country entered the top ten manufacturers — 74.4%.
From 1997 to 2005, production of refined copper rose from 1.35 million. M. To 16.6 million. Tons. The largest producers of refined copper in 2005 were Chile (17%), China (16%), Japan (8%), the US (8%), and Russia (6%).
In recent years, world production of refined copper as a whole continues to grow. The most rapidly growing in recent years, copper production in Chile and China. In Chile, made in 2003 of copper in the feed 5.27 million. M. Of copper production in China of its own and imported concentrates in 2005 reached about 2.6 million. Tonnes with consumption of 3.8 mln. Tons… Many manufacturers of copper connect the further development of the market with the growth of its copper consumption in China. Demand for refined copper in China is growing faster than production. The total demand for refined copper in China in 2005 amounted to about 3.8 million. Tons.
In Russia in 2005 produced over 935 thousand. T. Of refined copper, of which 450 ths. Tons accounts for «Norilsk Nickel», 355 thous. Tons. At UMMC, 120 tons on the Russian Copper Company. Consumption of copper in Russia from 1998 to 2005 rose from 165 to 627 thousand tons
The main consumers of copper in the world are North America, Western Europe, Japan, and (in recent years), China. Moreover, Japan produces almost all the copper from imported raw materials for their own consumption.
Consumption of copper in Russia by 2017 could reach 1.4 million tons in year. at the same time, copper production a little over 1 million tons Russia instead of the exporter by 2015 will be a net importer. On average, the world's copper demand exceeds supply. The average price of copper on the LME in the last 30 years amounted to 2120 USD / ton. In 2006, the price of copper on the LME exceeded 6000 thousand. USD. USD / t. Downward trend in copper prices in the subsequent period of time is associated with a decrease in production costs due to improved raw material processing technologies.