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The Customs Union is struggling with dumping prices in the Chinese stainless pipe prices

Russian Ministry of Industry has initiated anti-dumping investigation against imported into the Customs Union of stainless steel pipe produced in China. The reason for such action was the statement, signed by representatives of several companies operating in the market of stainless flats in the territory of the Customs Union.

Among the applicant companies — JSC «Pervouralsk NTRP», OAO «Chelyabinsk Pipe Works» LLC «TMK Inox» and Joint-Stock Company «Sinara Tube Works». One of the product lines that integrate these enterprises — stainless steel pipe, used in the food and petrochemical industry, mechanical engineering, nuclear energy, as well as for communications devices that exploit the aggressive environment.

Management believes that the above mentioned companies, imported from China stainless steel tubes are similar to rental, produced in their facilities (on areas of use and technical specifications). A pricing policy of the Chinese producers causing significant material damage to the vehicle sector of the economy.

Companies that have signed the statement given to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is some evidence to support a policy of dumping of Chinese stainless pipe producers and the legitimacy of their claims regarding the application of safeguard and countervailing sanctions under the Agreement between the participating countries of the Customs Union.

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