TU 14-1-895-74. Tube blanks of KhN77TYR and KhN78T alloys by electric arc smelting and vacuum-arc remelting


Designation TU 14-1-895-74
Title in Russian Tube blanks of CrN77TUR (EI437B), CrN78T (EI435) alloys by vacuum arc remelting
Date of putting into operation 01.06.1974
GHS codes В31
Number of pages 16


STANDARD TU 14-1-895-74 ENTERED IN CLASSIFICATOR: KGS \ Metals and Metal Products \ High quality steel and stainless steel (quality rolled steel) \ Barrels. Billets. Slabs.


Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy billets tube of alloys grades CrN77TYR and CrN78T by electric arc smelting and vacuum-arc remelting, the price is the best in this segment of rolled products. We offer tubular billets from specialized warehouses of Evek GmbH with delivery in any city.

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