Welding copper with argon
Are you interested in argon welding of copper? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal.
Technical Characteristics
Copper is widely used in electrical industry as a metal with high thermal conductivity and low electrical resistivity. Conventional welding can also be used to connect individual elements of copper structures in an inseparable way. However, it is more effective to weld copper in an inert gas, such as argon.
Argon welding technology
- Preheating of the surfaces to 350...400°C is necessary, and it is very important for copper with low heat capacity;
- Necessity to stabilize the arc discharge by means of carbon or graphite billets;
- Use only direct polarity of direct electric current;
- The use of non-consumable tungsten electrodes (TIG method).
Technological limitations
Welding copper has a number of technological limitations. It is not recommended to conduct the process when parts are joined horizontally, as well as to refuse the preliminary cutting of the edges of the parts, if their thickness exceeds 5 ... 6 mm. The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper of domestic and foreign production at a reasonable price in a wide assortment. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.
The sequence of welding with argon
Fitted surfaces are cleaned from contamination, and for parts, the thickness of which reaches 10 ... 12 mm, carried out cutting edges (products with a greater thickness weld this method is ineffective, as in this case have to implement significant technological currents). If there is an increased amount of technological impurities (e.g. for M4 grade) the filler wire is used. It also helps to isolate the welding area from air oxygen more reliably. The filler wire must be of copper with a higher chemical purity (e.g. M2 and higher).
The approximate values are as follows.
- Electrode thickness: graphite - 6...8 mm, tungsten - 3...4 mm;
- Amperage, А - 150...500;
- Arc voltage, V - 12...30.
The choice of the electrode diameter depends on the thickness of the welded copper elements and the current intensity of the welding arc. The higher the current, the longer should be the welding arc. The presence of inert gas prevents oxidation of the metal in the area of the weld, so it turns out durable and homogeneous.
Buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in argon welding of copper sheets? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper sheets at the producer price. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.