Contact welding of copper
Are you interested in contact welding of copper? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.
Technical features
The butt welding of copper products is difficult due to the good thermal conductivity of copper. As a consequence, under normal process parameters, the products do not have time to warm up quickly to local copper melting temperatures. Because of this, spot or roller welding of copper products is practically not used.
Contact welding technology
- The end and side areas of the resulting weld must be additionally heated;
- After welding, the weld area should be immediately subjected to force impact at a pressure of not less than 350...400 MPa (with increasing thickness of copper parts, the required pressure increases);
- Joint shrinkage should be performed with deformation not less than 40...45%.
Basic parameters
Most often copper pipes are joined by means of butt butt welding. The choice of process parameters is determined by the following factors:
- The maximum length of the weld, mm - 20 ... 25;
- Speed range of pressing and upsetting (with increasing), mm/min - 4...20;
- Amperage, А - 35000...60000;
- Arc voltage, V - 6...10.
The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper of domestic and foreign production at moderate price in wide assortment. We provide delivery of products to any point of the continent. The price is optimal.
Equipment for resistance welding
Butt welding of copper products, depending on their configuration is carried out either at electrosplitting machines (used for butt welding of rods or narrow strips), or with the use of electrodischarge installations, where the desired modes of current and voltage are provided by short-term discharge of the capacitor battery.
Technical requirements
Technical parameters of installations shall be within the following limits. For electrodischarge machines: length of the contact welding zone not more than 100 mm, compression/shrinking force up to 2500 kN. For electrodischarge installations - capacitor bank capacity 250 ... 550 mF, discharge voltage 900 ... 1500 V.
Buy. Supplier, price
Are you interested in resistance welding of copper? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper at producer price. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.