Grades and purpose of special steels

Special steels and alloys of stainless steel (abbreviated)

Designation Or GOST, TU Typical application area
HK30VMT EP720 14-1-3457-82 Parts of special equipment.
CRN15VMKU EP109 14-1-223-72
CrN28VMAB, vd Cr21N28V5M3BAR, VZH100, EP126, vd 14−1-21−71,14−1-192−72, 14−1-192−72 Turbine parts.
CRN30VMT EP437 14-1-2212-77 Heat-resistant alloy for parts of special equipment.
CRN30VMT EP437 14-1-2212-77
CRN30MDB EC77 14-1-4056-85, 14-1-5156-92, 14-1-5155-92, 14-1-4745-89, 14-1-4998-91, 14-3-1711-90 Chemical equipment for production of complex mineral fertilizers, in phosphoric and sulphuric acid, heavily contaminated with halogens, in pulp and paper and oil refining industries. Gas production equipment in hydrogen sulphide containing environments.
CRN32T CR20NI32T, EP670 5632-72, 24 982-81, 14-1-284-72, 14-1-625-73, 14-1-2111-77, 14-1-4319-87, 14-1-489-76 Components and tubing of high-temperature vent gas ducts of petrochemical plants and ammonia equipment with prolonged service life at t to 850°C. 8160 kg/m3.
CrN35VB-bd, id. EP912 14-1-4222-86 Corrosion-resistant steel for the manufacture of parts of special equipment.
CRN35VT EI612 14-1-272-72.14-1-1665-76 (-VD) Gas turbine blades, disks, rotors, fasteners.
CrN35VTR EI787 14−1-1589−76,14−1-850−74 Disks, blades of turbines and compressors.
CRN38VT EN703 14-1-476-72 Parts operating at moderate voltages.
CrN40MDB-vi EP937vi 14-1-2121-77, 14-1-2131-77, 14-1-2149-77 Wrought weldable non-magnetic material for chemical equipment for particularly aggressive media with reducing and oxidizing properties: production lines of sulfuric, phosphoric and other acids, hydrometallurgical industries. 8260 kg/m3 tl=1370 grad.
CrN40MDTU-id EP543U 14-1-4042-85, 14-1-1754-76, 14-1-3190-81, 14-1-3528-83, 14-1-3639-83, 14-1-1214-82, 14-1-3546-83 For chemical and petroleum engineering, centrifugal separators, centrifuges, etc. with simultaneous exposure to highly aggressive media. Elastic sensitive elements - membranes, bellows, springs in sulphuric and phosphoric acid, gas condensates at high temperatures.
CrN43BMTU-vd, id. EP915 14-1-3618-83 Corrosion-resistant steel for the manufacture of parts of special equipment.
CHN45MVTYUBR-id CHN45MVTU-BR, EP718 14-1-3905-85 Parts of special equipment.
CRN45YU EP747 5632-72, 24 982-81, 14-1-941-74, 14-1-2075-87, 14-1-2396-78, 14-1-4082-86 Parts of burner devices, thermocouple covers, ceramic tile firing furnaces rollers, furnace conveyor grids, equipment of enamelware firing furnaces for continuous operation at t 1250-1300grad. without mechanical load. 7700 kg/m3. OZL-25, OZL-35.
CRNI45YUBTZ EK54id 14-1-3841-84 Wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.
CRN50VMTYUB EP648vi 14-1-3046-80 Special technique parts.
CrN50VMTYUBK-id EP969 14-1-131-527-82 Parts of gas pipeline systems, bar parts, pipes.
CRN50MVKTYUR. EP99id 14-1-1476-75 Heat resistant alloy for parts of special equipment.
CRN51VMTYUKFR EP220 14-1-223-72 Turbine blades.
CrN53KMVYUT+hafnium EN994
CRN55VMTKU EI929vd 14−1-223−72/131−379−78 Turbine blades.
CrN55MBYU-vd. EP66vd 14-1-2606-79, 14-1-2692-79, 14-1-3490-82, 14-1-2702-79, 14-1-3191-81 Stamp-welded and brazed products with a working temperature of -253.+750, as high-strength m-l in oxidizing environments of strong acids, sea water. Resistant to embrittlement in hydrogen. It is good for welding with other stainless steels. 8800 kg/m3.
CRN56VMKU EP109vd 14-1-223-72 Turbine blades
CR56VMTU EP199vd 14-1-1508-75 Case blades, disks, turbine parts.
CR56МБЮД EC62vd 14-1-3763-84, 14-1-5045-91 Special equipment parts.
CrN57MTBYUD, w EP590vd, w 14-1-2222-77 Details of special equipment.
CRN58V EP795 5632-72, 3239-81, 14-131-756-88, 14-1-4362-87, 14-1-4363-87, 14-1-2715-79, 14-131-224-75 Saving equipment in nitric acid solutions, in hydrofluoric acid pickling solutions. Etching baths. Welding with electrodes ФХ-13, ФХ-26.
CrN58Mbjud-id EC61 14-1-3763-84 Parts of special equipment.
CRN59VMTKU EP455Avd 14-1-4861-90 Heat resistant alloy for parts of special equipment.
CRN60VMTYUR EN618 14-1-1322-75 Parts of special equipment.
CRN60VT EN868 5632-72, 14-1-286-72, 14-1-3148-81, 14-1-1494-75, 14-1-4296-87, 14-1-1747-76, 14-1-927-74, 14-1-230-72 Engine parts. Combustion chambers, afterburner chambers and other parts with working temperature up to 1000-1100°C. 8350 kg/m3.
CRNI60M EP367 14-1-2693-79 Special technique parts.
CRN60MB EP758 14-131-755-88 Parts of burner devices, thermocouple sheaths, furnace parts.
CRN60MVTU EP487vd 14-1-1795-76 Parts of special equipment.
CRN60MYUVT EP539vd 14-1-223-72 Blades.
CrN61KMYUVB-vd EP874
CrN61MTVBU-vd EC57vd 14-1-3670-83 Special technique parts.
CRN62VMYUT EP708vd 14-1-1018-74 Special equipment parts.
CRN62MKU CrN62VMKYU, ЭИ867vd 14−1-402−72,14−1-223−72 Blades, disks of turbines.
CRN63VMKYUTB EP455 14-131-494-80
CRN63MB EP758U 14-131-755-85, 14-1-4289-87, 14-1-4881-90, 14-1-4202-87, 14-3-1478-87, 14-1-4734-89 Particularly aggressive media containing chlorides, fluorides, organic acids and heavily contaminated mineral acids, complex mixtures of acids and chemicals at elevated temperatures, in the production of fertilizers, rubber, acetic acid, anhydride, etc. In pollution control systems. OZL-21.
CRN65VB. EC64 14-1-3825-84 Parts of special equipment.
CRN65VBMU EP902 14-1-2949-80
CrN65VMBU-id, vd EP914id, dd 14-1-3986-85 Corrosion-resistant steel for production of special equipment parts.
CRN65VMTU EI, vi. 14-1-322-72 Gas turbine blades and other parts of power machines.
CRN65MV 0Х15Н65М16 В, ЭП567 5632-72, 3239-81, 14-1-3239-81, 14-1-2475-78, 14-1-1215-75, 14-3-1227-83 For making chemical equipment in harsh oxidation-reduction environments of chemical, petrochemical, cellulose and other industries. t -70.+500
CRN65MVU EP760 5632-72, 3239-81, 14-1-4870-90, 14-1-3587-83, 14-1-2230-77, 14-3-1227-83, 14-1-3768-84, 14-3-1320-85, 14-1-2240 Columns, heat exchangers, reactors in harsh conditions for production of acetic acid, epoxy resins, vinyl acetate, complex organic compounds, fertilizers, styrene, ethylbenzene etc. at -70.+500 deg. 8900kg/m3. OZL-21.
CRN67MVMTU EP202vd 14-1-592-73
CrN68VMTYUK vd CrN68MVKTYUR, 693vd 14-1-3759-84 Special equipment parts.
CRN70VMTU EI617, vi 14−1-1477−75/223−72/5.2−73, 14−1-223−72 Turbine blades.
CRN70VMTUF EI826, vi. 14−1-402−72, 14−1-223−72/402−72/131−672−86 Turbine blades.
CRN70VMYUT. EI765 14-1-1358-74 Rotors, disks, turbine blades.
CrN70MVTYUB vd, vi EI598vd, vi 14-1-402-72.14-1-223-72 (-VD) Disks, turbine blades, aircraft engine parts.
CrN70MVYu, -vd. EI828, vd. 14-1-3131-81 Parts of special equipment.
CRN70U EN652, w 5632-72, 24 982-81, 12 766.4-77, 14-1-1497-75, 14-1-493-72, 14-1-810-73, 14-1-833-71 Resistance heating elements, nichrome class with aluminum. Parts of combustion and afterburner chambers - pockets, diffusers, screens, etc. at low stresses and t up to 1200grad. 7900 kg/m3. tpl. 1400°C
CrN73MbTu-vd. HN73M5TUB, EI698 14-М973-77
CRN75VMYU EI827 14−1-402−72,14−1-223−72 Turbine blades.
CRN75MBTU EN602 14-1-3721-84 Parts of gas pipeline systems, apparatus.
CRN77TU EN437A 14-1-75-71/402-72/764-73 (-Ш) Used in aircraft industry.
CrN77TYU EI437B 14-1 -402-72/1465-75/223-72 (-WD) Disks, turbine blades, aircraft engine parts.
CrN78T-id, vi EI435-id, vi 5632-72, 24 982-81, 14-1-1671-76,14-1-2752-79, 14-1-975-74, 14-1-4319-87, 14-1-4009-85, 14-1-895-74, 14-1-4319-87, 14-1-3942-85 (-ID) Parts of aircraft engines. Light-loaded critical parts with working tones up to 1000-1100°C: flame tubes, combustion chambers, gas ducts, thermocouple covers. 8400 kg/m3. OZL-25, OZL-25B, TST-28.
CRN80TBU EI607A 14-1-1358-74 Turbine blades, turbine mounting parts.
CrN85Mu-vi EP797vi 14-131-450-79 Special technique parts.
ChS25-vi CHS25 14-1-811-73
ChS4-vi CHS4 14-1-811-73
ChS5-vi CHS5 14-1-811-74
SHKH15, SHKH15SG 801-78 For the manufacture of parts of ball and roller bearings, plunger bushings, plungers, heating valves, atomizer housings and other parts, pipe billet.
EP 867 EP867
EP166 00Х17Н15Р1, EP166
EP167 00Х17Н15Р2, EP167
EP168 00Х17Н15Р4, EP168
EP168A 00Х17Н15Р3, EP168А
EP169 00Х18Н15Р6, EP169

HI - vacuum arc remelting

VI - Vacuum-induction melting

ID - induction furnace + vacuum arc remelting

IS - induction furnace + electron-beam remelting

PC - plasma arc remelting

Pt - plasma super pure smelting technology

SH - electroslag remelting

Special steels and alloys of stainless steel (abbreviated)

Designation Or GOST, TU Typical application area
HK30VMT EP720 14-1-3457-82 Parts of special equipment.
CRN15VMKU EP109 14-1-223-72
CrN28VMAB, vd Cr21N28V5M3BAR, VZH100, EP126, vd 14−1-21−71,14−1-192−72, 14−1-192−72 Turbine parts.
CRN30VMT EP437 14-1-2212-77 Heat-resistant alloy for parts of special equipment.
CRN30VMT EP437 14-1-2212-77
CRN30MDB EC77 14-1-4056-85, 14-1-5156-92, 14-1-5155-92, 14-1-4745-89, 14-1-4998-91, 14-3-1711-90 Chemical equipment for production of complex mineral fertilizers, in phosphoric and sulphuric acid, heavily contaminated with halogens, in pulp and paper and oil refining industries. Gas production equipment in hydrogen sulphide containing environments.
CRN32T CR20NI32T, EP670 5632-72, 24 982-81, 14-1-284-72, 14-1-625-73, 14-1-2111-77, 14-1-4319-87, 14-1-489-76 Components and pipes of high-temperature venting of petrochemical installations and ammonia equipment with prolonged service life at t to 850°C. 8160 kg/m3.
CrN35VB-bd, id. EP912 14-1-4222-86 Corrosion-resistant steel for the manufacture of parts of special equipment.
CRN35VT EI612 14-1-272-72.14-1-1665-76 (-VD) Gas turbine blades, disks, rotors, fasteners.
CrN35VTR EI787 14−1-1589−76,14−1-850−74 Disks, blades of turbines and compressors.
CRN38VT EI703 14-1-476-72 Parts operating at moderate voltages.
CrN40MDB-vi EP937vi 14-1-2121-77, 14-1-2131-77, 14-1-2149-77 Wrought weldable non-magnetic material for chemical equipment for particularly aggressive media with reducing and oxidizing properties: production lines of sulfuric, phosphoric and other acids, hydrometallurgical industries. 8260 kg/m3 tl=1370 grad.
CrN40MDTU-id EP543U 14-1-4042-85, 14-1-1754-76, 14-1-3190-81, 14-1-3528-83, 14-1-3639-83, 14-1-1214-82, 14-1-3546-83 For chemical and petroleum engineering, centrifugal separators, centrifuges, etc. with simultaneous exposure to highly aggressive media. Elastic sensitive elements - membranes, bellows, springs in sulphuric and phosphoric acid, gas condensates at high temperatures.
CrN43BMTU-vd, id. EP915 14-1-3618-83 Corrosion-resistant steel for the manufacture of parts of special equipment.
CHN45MVTYUBR-id CHN45MVTU-BR, EP718 14-1-3905-85 Parts of special equipment.
CRN45YU EP747 5632-72, 24 982-81, 14-1-941-74, 14-1-2075-87, 14-1-2396-78, 14-1-4082-86 Parts of burner devices, thermocouple covers, ceramic tile firing furnaces rollers, furnace conveyor grids, equipment of enamelware firing furnaces for continuous operation at t 1250-1300grad. without mechanical load. 7700 kg/m3. OZL-25, OZL-35.
CRNI45YUBTZ EK54id 14-1-3841-84 Wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.
CRN50VMTYUB EP648vi 14-1-3046-80 Special technique parts.
CrN50VMTYUBK-id EP969 14-1-131-527-82 Parts of gas pipeline systems, bar parts, pipes.
CRN50MVKTYUR. EP99id 14-1-1476-75 Heat resistant alloy for parts of special equipment.
CRN51VMTYUKFR EP220 14-1-223-72 Turbine blades.
CrN53KMVYUT+hafnium EN994
CRN55VMTKU EI929vd 14−1-223−72/131−379−78 Turbine blades.
CrN55MBYU-vd. EP66vd 14-1-2606-79, 14-1-2692-79, 14-1-3490-82, 14-1-2702-79, 14-1-3191-81 Stamp-welded and brazed products with a working temperature of -253.+750, as high-strength m-l in oxidizing environments of strong acids, sea water. Resistant to embrittlement in hydrogen. It is good for welding with other stainless steels. 8800 kg/m3.
CRN56VMKU EP109vd 14-1-223-72 Turbine blades
CR56VMTU EP199vd 14-1-1508-75 Case blades, disks, turbine parts.
CR56МБЮД EC62vd 14-1-3763-84, 14-1-5045-91 Special equipment parts.
CrN57MTBYUD, w EP590vd, w 14-1-2222-77 Details of special equipment.
CRN58V EP795 5632-72, 3239-81, 14-131-756-88, 14-1-4362-87, 14-1-4363-87, 14-1-2715-79, 14-131-224-75 Saving equipment in nitric acid solutions, in hydrofluoric acid pickling solutions. Etching baths. Welding with electrodes ФХ-13, ФХ-26.
CrN58Mbjud-id EC61 14-1-3763-84 Parts of special equipment.
CRN59VMTKU EP455Avd 14-1-4861-90 Heat resistant alloy for parts of special equipment.
CRN60VMTYUR EN618 14-1-1322-75 Parts of special equipment.
CRN60VT EN868 5632-72, 14-1-286-72, 14-1-3148-81, 14-1-1494-75, 14-1-4296-87, 14-1-1747-76, 14-1-927-74, 14-1-230-72 Engine parts. Combustion chambers, afterburner chambers and other parts with working temperature up to 1000-1100°C. 8350 kg/m3.
CRNI60M EP367 14-1-2693-79 Special technique parts.
CRN60MB EP758 14-131-755-88 Parts of burner devices, thermocouple sheaths, furnace parts.
CRN60MVTU EP487vd 14-1-1795-76 Parts of special equipment.
CRN60MYUVT EP539vd 14-1-223-72 Blades.
CrN61KMYUVB-vd EP874
CrN61MTVBU-vd EC57vd 14-1-3670-83 Special equipment parts.
CRN62VMYUT EP708vd 14-1-1018-74 Special equipment parts.
CRN62MKU CrN62VMKYU, ЭИ867vd 14−1-402−72,14−1-223−72 Blades, disks of turbines.
CRN63VMKYUTB EP455 14-131-494-80
CRN63MB EP758U 14-131-755-85, 14-1-4289-87, 14-1-4881-90, 14-1-4202-87, 14-3-1478-87, 14-1-4734-89 Particularly aggressive media containing chlorides, fluorides, organic acids and heavily contaminated mineral acids, complex mixtures of acids and chemicals at elevated temperatures, in the production of fertilizers, rubber, acetic acid, anhydride, etc. In pollution control systems. OZL-21.
CRN65VB. EC64 14-1-3825-84 Parts of special equipment.
CRN65VBMU EP902 14-1-2949-80
CrN65VMBU-id, vd EP914id, dd 14-1-3986-85 Corrosion-resistant steel for production of special equipment parts.
CRN65VMTU EI, vi. 14-1-322-72 Gas turbine blades and other parts of power machines.
CRN65MV 0Х15Н65М16 В, ЭП567 5632-72, 3239-81, 14-1-3239-81, 14-1-2475-78, 14-1-1215-75, 14-3-1227-83 For making chemical equipment in harsh oxidation-reduction environments in chemical, petrochemical, cellulose and other industries. t -70.+500
CRN65MVU EP760 5632-72, 3239-81, 14-1-4870-90, 14-1-3587-83, 14-1-2230-77, 14-3-1227-83, 14-1-3768-84, 14-3-1320-85, 14-1-2240 Columns, heat exchangers, reactors in harsh conditions for production of acetic acid, epoxy resins, vinyl acetate, complex organic compounds, fertilizers, styrene, ethylbenzene etc. at -70.+500 deg. 8900kg/m3. OZL-21.
CRN67MVMTU EP202vd 14-1-592-73
CrN68VMTYUK vd CrN68MVKTYUR, 693vd 14-1-3759-84 Special equipment parts.
CRN70VMTU EI617, vi 14−1-1477−75/223−72/5.2−73, 14−1-223−72 Turbine blades.
CRN70VMTUF EI826, vi. 14−1-402−72, 14−1-223−72/402−72/131−672−86 Turbine blades.
CRN70VMYUT. EI765 14-1-1358-74 Rotors, disks, turbine blades.
CrN70MVTYUB vd, vi EI598vd, vi 14-1-402-72.14-1-223-72 (-VD) Disks, turbine blades, aircraft engine parts.
CrN70MVYu, -vd. EI828, vd. 14-1-3131-81 Parts of special equipment.
CRN70U EN652, w 5632-72, 24 982-81, 12 766.4-77, 14-1-1497-75, 14-1-493-72, 14-1-810-73, 14-1-833-71 Resistance heating elements, nichrome class with aluminum. Parts of combustion and afterburner chambers - pockets, diffusers, screens, etc. at low stresses and t up to 1200grad. 7900 kg/m3. tpl. 1400°C
CrN73MbTu-vd. HN73M5TUB, EI698 14-М973-77
CRN75VMYU EI827 14−1-402−72,14−1-223−72 Turbine blades.
CRN75MBTU EN602 14-1-3721-84 Parts of gas pipeline systems, apparatus.
CRN77TU EN437A 14-1-75-71/402-72/764-73 (-Ш) Used in aircraft industry.
CrN77TYU EI437B 14-1 -402-72/1465-75/223-72 (-WD) Disks, turbine blades, aircraft engine parts.
CrN78T-id, vi EI435-id, vi 5632-72, 24 982-81, 14-1-1671-76,14-1-2752-79, 14-1-975-74, 14-1-4319-87, 14-1-4009-85, 14-1-895-74, 14-1-4319-87, 14-1-3942-85 (-ID) Parts of aircraft engines. Light-loaded critical parts with working tones up to 1000-1100°C: flame tubes, combustion chambers, gas ducts, thermocouple covers. 8400 kg/m3. OZL-25, OZL-25B, TST-28.
CRN80TBU EI607A 14-1-1358-74 Turbine blades, turbine mounting parts.
CrN85Mu-vi EP797vi 14-131-450-79 Special technique parts.
ChS25-vi CHS25 14-1-811-73
ChS4-vi CHS4 14-1-811-73
ChS5-vi CHS5 14-1-811-74
SHKH15, SHKH15SG 801-78 For the manufacture of parts of ball and roller bearings, plunger bushings, plungers, heating valves, atomizer housings and other parts, pipe billet.
EP 867 EP867
EP166 00Х17Н15Р1, EP166
EP167 00Х17Н15Р2, EP167
EP168 00Х17Н15Р4, EP168
EP168A 00Х17Н15Р3, EP168А
EP169 00Х18Н15Р6, EP169

HI - vacuum arc remelting

VI - Vacuum-induction melting

ID - induction furnace + vacuum arc remelting

IS - induction furnace + electron-beam remelting

PC - plasma arc remelting

Pt - plasma super pure smelting technology

SH - electroslag remelting