Application of low-alloy structural steel
Are you interested in the use of low-alloy structural steel? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded structural steel in any quantity at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products to any point of the continent. The price is optimal.
Application of the most common grades
GOST 5058−85 stipulates about 90 grades of basic steels for this purpose, including those melted by individual orders.
Material | Application, other designation (if any) |
06G2SU | Cold plastic deformation of parts |
06CGSYU | |
08Г2С | Production of building reinforcement of periodic profile of At600K (At-IVK), At800 (At-V) classes, designed for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures |
08ГББЮ | Manufacturing of longitudinally welded pipes for trunk pipelines for oil, gas and petroleum products |
09Г2 | Production of bearing and power parts of cars and other vehicles, parts of construction and road-building machinery, and other goods the service temperature of which is within the range from -40 to +450 0 С. |
09G2D. | The same, but for operation conditions with higher humidity |
09G2S | Various parts and elements of welded metal structures working at the temperature range from -70 up to +425 °C under pressure. In terms of its composition this steel grade corresponds to C345 for building structures |
09G2SD. | The same, but for operation in conditions of high humidity |
09G2FB | Manufacturing of electric-welded longitudinal welded pipes of strength class K56 for main gas pipelines, oil and product pipelines |
09GBU | The same as for 08ГБЮ steel |
10G2B | For welded constructions, with niobium additive |
10Г2БД | The same, but for parts operated in conditions of high humidity |
10G2S1 | Drums, vessels, and other parts of boilers and power plants operating at temperatures to 4500 C and higher pressures |
10G2S1D | For welded structures used at high humidity conditions. |
10G2SB | For electric-welded longitudinal welded pipes of strength group K60 for main gas pipelines, oil pipelines, and oil product pipelines |
10G2SFB | |
10G2FB | |
10G2FBU | |
10GS2 | Manufacturing of bar rebars of periodic profile of At600K (At-IVK), At800 (At-V |
10GT | Manufacturing of rebar of class As-II (As300 |
10Х2М1 | It is used as the basic layer at rolling of two-layer corrosion-resistant sheets; |
10ХГСН1Д | |
10ХNDP | Used for welded structure fabrication, corresponds to C345K grade steel for building structures according to GOST 27772−88 |
10ХСНД | For elements of welded steel structures and other parts with high strength and corrosion resistance requirements while limiting the weight; working temperature range is −70… +450 ° C. |
12G2A | production of pipe blanks for subsequent production of seamless pipes |
12G2B | for welded structures operated in conditions of high humidity |
12G2S | for welded longitudinal welded gas pipes |
12G2SB | Production of longitudinal welded pipes of strength group K56 for main gas pipelines, oil pipelines and product pipelines |
12G2SMF | Supporting structures of railway bridges and overpasses |
12GN2MFAU | Large bridge spans, HPP pressure pipelines, excavator operating equipment |
12GS | High-pressure steam pipes; car parts produced by drawing, forging, stamping. |
12GSB | Production of electric-welded longitudinal welded pipes of strength group K52 for main pipelines for oil, gas and petroleum products |
12GF-SH | The same as the previous grade. The steel is resistant to the influence of hydrogen sulfide, produced under the technology of electroslag remelting. |
12Х8 | for seamless pipes production for oil refining and petrochemical industry. |
12ХГН2МФБАЮ | for especially demanding welded constructions |
13G1S | Production of longitudinally welded pipes of strength class K55 for main oil, gas and petrochemical pipelines |
13G1SB | The same, but for pipes of strength group K58 |
13G2AF | The same, but for pipes of strength group K54 |
13GS | The same, but for tubes of strength group K52 |
14Г2 | The same, but for pipes of strength group K52. 14G2 The same for large sheet structures working at low temperatures (down to -70°C inclusive). |
14G2AF | For production of steel structures of multi-storey industrial buildings, crane girders for bridge cranes. According to GOST 27772−88 it corresponds to steel for building structures of C390 grade. |
14G2AFD, 15G2AFD. | Production of bridge steel structures. In accordance with GOST 27772−88 corresponds to C390D and C390K steel for building structures |
15G2SF | For welded structures in machine-building and construction |
15Г2СФД | The same, but for structures working in conditions of high humidity |
15GS | The same, but with high humidity conditions. 15GSF The same for stationary pipelines of boilers operating at temperatures up to +2800 С. |
15GF, 15GFD. | For welded sheet structures in car building. |
15HSND | Elements of welded steel structures and various parts with requirements of high strength and corrosion resistance with weight limitation and working at temperatures from -70 to 450 °C. |
16G2AF. | Metal structures, welded trusses for engineering products. According to GOST 27772−88 it corresponds to steel for building structures of grade C440 |
16G2AFD. | For welded structures. In accordance with GOST 27772−88 corresponds to steel for building structures of С440D |
16G2SAF | Flat-rolled steel for welded pipes for gas and oil pipelines with high corrosion resistance |
16G2SF | Same |
16GS | Parts and parts of steam boilers and pressure vessels. Pressure vessels, bottoms, flanges and other parts operating at temperatures from -40 to +475 0 C under pressure. Stationary pipelines for boilers SVP working at 280 0 С and pressures up to 38 MPa. |
16GS-SH. | For production of seamless hot-deformed pipes for pipelines of thermal and nuclear power plants |
16Д | For the manufacture of bridge structures operating in conditions of high humidity |
17G1S | Welded parts operating under pressure at temperatures from -40°C to +475°C. |
17GS | Pressure vessels, bottoms, flanges and other welded parts operating under pressure and at temperatures from -40 °С to +475 °С. |
18Г2 | The production of billets for seamless pipes. |
18G2AF | for welded structures |
18G2AFD | |
18G2AFDps | Rolled steel plates for welded structure elements. |
18G2AFps | Flat-rolled products for bearing elements of welded structures operating under alternating loads in the temperature range down to -60 °C. |
18G2S | Reinforcement for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions; earrings, links, fingers, traverses, details of wagon couplings and other details operating from -40 to +450 0 C, also used for producing A-II (A300) class reinforcement |
1Х2М1 | for fabrication of double wall plate and seamless pipes for oil refining and petrochemical industry |
20GS | For production of rebars of periodic profile of At-600 (At-IV), At-800 (At-V), At-1000 (At-VI) classes, designed for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
20GS2 | Same |
20Х2Г2СР | |
20ХГ2Т | For production of rebars of periodic profile of A-IV class (А600) with the diameter of 10 to 32 mm. |
20ХГ2Ц | |
20ХГС2 | Production of rebars of periodic profile of At1000K (At-VIK) class for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
22GYU | Production of longitudinally welded pipes of 10−530 mm diameter used for pipelines and constructions for various applications. |
22С | For production of rebars of periodic profile of At800 (At-V) class, designed for reinforcement of reinforced concrete constructions |
22Х2Г2АЯ | Production of reinforcement of A-V (А800) and А-VI (А1000) classes, designed for reinforcement of normal and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions Manufacturing of rebar of A-V (А800) class designed for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
22Х2Г2Р | |
23CR2G2T | |
23Х2Г2Ц | |
25G2S | for production of rebars of periodic profile of At600С (At-IVС), At800 (At-V) classes, designed for reinforcement of reinforced concrete constructions |
25GS | for welded structures |
25C2P | Manufacturing of rebars of periodic profile of At600K (At-IVK), At800 (At-V), At800K (At-VK), At1000 (At-VI) classes, intended for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
27GS | Manufacturing of rebars of periodic profile of At-600C class (At-IVC), designed for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures |
28С | |
30HS2 | production of periodic profile reinforcement of At1200 class (At-VII), designed for reinforcement of normal and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
32G2Rps | Manufacturing of rebar of class A-III (А400) designed for reinforcement of normal and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
6G2AF | for welded structures |
To buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in low-alloy structural steel? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy low-alloy structural steel in any quantity at the manufacturer’s price. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.
Are you interested in the use of low-alloy structural steel? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded structural steel in any quantity at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products to any point of the continent. The price is optimal.
Application of the most common grades
GOST 5058−85 provides for about 90 grades of basic steel for this purpose, including those melted by individual orders.
Material | Application, other designation (if any) |
06G2SU | Cold plastic deformation of parts |
06CGSYU | |
08Г2С | Production of building reinforcement of periodic profile of At600K (At-IVK), At800 (At-V) classes, designed for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures |
08ГББЮ | Manufacturing of longitudinally welded pipes for trunk pipelines for oil, gas and petroleum products |
09Г2 | Production of bearing and power parts of cars and other vehicles, parts of construction and road-building machinery, and other goods the service temperature of which is within the range from -40 to +450 0 С. |
09G2D. | The same, but for operation conditions with higher humidity |
09G2S | Various parts and elements of welded metal structures working at the temperature range from -70 up to +425 °C under pressure. In terms of its composition this steel grade corresponds to C345 for building structures |
09G2SD. | The same, but for operation in conditions of high humidity |
09G2FB | Manufacturing of electric-welded longitudinal welded pipes of strength class K56 for main gas pipelines, oil and product pipelines |
09GBU | The same as for 08ГБЮ steel |
10G2B | For welded constructions, with niobium additive |
10Г2БД | The same, but for parts operated in conditions of high humidity |
10G2S1 | Drums, vessels, and other parts of boilers and power plants operating at temperatures to 4500 C and higher pressures |
10G2S1D | For welded structures used at high humidity conditions. |
10G2SB | For electric-welded longitudinal welded pipes of strength group K60 for main gas pipelines, oil pipelines, and oil product pipelines |
10G2SFB | |
10G2FB | |
10G2FBU | |
10GS2 | Manufacturing of bar rebars of periodic profile of At600K (At-IVK), At800 (At-V |
10GT | Manufacturing of rebar of class As-II (As300 |
10Х2М1 | It is used as the basic layer at rolling of two-layer corrosion-resistant sheets; |
10ХГСН1Д | |
10ХNDP | Used for welded structure fabrication, corresponds to C345K grade steel for building structures according to GOST 27772−88 |
10ХСНД | For elements of welded steel structures and other parts with high strength and corrosion resistance requirements while limiting the weight; working temperature range is −70… +450 ° C. |
12G2A | production of pipe blanks for subsequent production of seamless pipes |
12G2B | for welded structures operated in conditions of high humidity |
12G2S | for welded longitudinal welded gas pipes |
12G2SB | Production of longitudinal welded pipes of strength group K56 for main gas pipelines, oil pipelines and product pipelines |
12G2SMF | Supporting structures of railway bridges and overpasses |
12GN2MFAU | Large bridge spans, HPP pressure pipelines, excavator operating equipment |
12GS | High-pressure steam pipes; car parts produced by drawing, forging, stamping. |
12GSB | Production of electric-welded longitudinal welded pipes of strength class K52 for main pipelines for oil, gas and petroleum products |
12GF-SH | The same as the previous grade. The steel is resistant to the influence of hydrogen sulfide, produced under the technology of electroslag remelting. |
12Х8 | for seamless pipes production for oil refining and petrochemical industry. |
12ХГН2МФБАЮ | for especially demanding welded constructions |
13G1S | Production of longitudinally welded pipes of strength class K55 for main oil, gas and petrochemical pipelines |
13G1SB | The same, but for pipes of strength group K58 |
13G2AF | The same, but for pipes of strength group K54 |
13GS | The same, but for tubes of strength group K52 |
14Г2 | The same, but for pipes of strength group K52. 14G2 The same for large sheet structures working at low temperatures (down to -70°C inclusive). |
14G2AF | For production of steel structures of multi-storey industrial buildings, crane girders for bridge cranes. According to GOST 27772−88 it corresponds to steel for building structures of C390 grade. |
14G2AFD, 15G2AFD. | Production of bridge steel structures. In accordance with GOST 27772−88 corresponds to C390D and C390K steel for building structures |
15G2SF | For welded structures in machine-building and construction |
15Г2СФД | The same, but for structures working in conditions of high humidity |
15GS | The same, but with high humidity conditions. 15GSF The same for stationary pipelines of boilers operating at temperatures up to +2800 С. |
15GF, 15GFD. | For welded sheet structures in car building. |
15HSND | Elements of welded steel structures and various parts with requirements of high strength and corrosion resistance with weight limitation and working at temperatures from -70 to 450 °C. |
16G2AF. | Metal structures, welded trusses for engineering products. According to GOST 27772−88 it corresponds to steel for building structures of grade C440 |
16G2AFD. | For welded structures. In accordance with GOST 27772−88 corresponds to steel for building structures of С440D |
16G2SAF | Flat-rolled steel for welded pipes for gas and oil pipelines with high corrosion resistance |
16G2SF | Same |
16GS | Parts and parts of steam boilers and pressure vessels. Pressure vessels, bottoms, flanges and other parts operating at temperatures from -40 to +475 0 C under pressure. Stationary pipelines for boilers SVP working at 280 0 С and pressures up to 38 MPa. |
16GS-SH. | For production of seamless hot-deformed pipes for pipelines of thermal and nuclear power plants |
16Д | For the manufacture of bridge structures operating in conditions of high humidity |
17G1S | Welded parts operating under pressure at temperatures from -40°C to +475°C. |
17GS | Pressure vessels, bottoms, flanges and other welded parts operating under pressure and at temperatures from -40 °С to +475 °С. |
18Г2 | The production of billets for seamless pipes. |
18G2AF | for welded structures |
18G2AFD | |
18G2AFDps | Rolled steel plates for welded structure elements. |
18G2AFps | Flat-rolled products for bearing elements of welded structures operating under alternating loads in the temperature range down to -60 °C. |
18G2S | Reinforcement for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions; earrings, links, fingers, traverses, details of wagon couplings and other details operating from -40 to +450 0 C, also used for producing A-II (A300) class reinforcement |
1Х2М1 | for fabrication of double wall plate and seamless pipes for oil refining and petrochemical industry |
20GS | For production of rebars of periodic profile of At-600 (At-IV), At-800 (At-V), At-1000 (At-VI) classes, designed for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
20GS2 | Same |
20Х2Г2СР | |
20ХГ2Т | For production of rebars of periodic profile of A-IV class (А600) with the diameter of 10 to 32 mm. |
20ХГ2Ц | |
20ХГС2 | Production of rebars of periodic profile of At1000K (At-VIK) class for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
22GYU | Production of longitudinally welded pipes of 10−530 mm diameter used for pipelines and constructions for various applications. |
22С | For production of rebars of periodic profile of At800 (At-V) class, designed for reinforcement of reinforced concrete constructions |
22Х2Г2АЯ | Production of reinforcement of A-V (А800) and А-VI (А1000) classes, designed for reinforcement of normal and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions Manufacturing of rebar of A-V (А800) class designed for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
22Х2Г2Р | |
23CR2G2T | |
23Х2Г2Ц | |
25G2S | for production of rebars of periodic profile of At600С (At-IVС), At800 (At-V) classes, designed for reinforcement of reinforced concrete constructions |
25GS | for welded structures |
25C2P | Manufacturing of rebars of periodic profile of At600K (At-IVK), At800 (At-V), At800K (At-VK), At1000 (At-VI) classes, designed for reinforcement of regular and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
27GS | Manufacturing of rebars of periodic profile of At-600C class (At-IVC), designed for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures |
28С | |
30HS2 | production of periodic profile reinforcement of At1200 class (At-VII), designed for reinforcement of normal and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
32G2Rps | Manufacturing of rebar of class A-III (А400) designed for reinforcement of normal and prestressed reinforced concrete constructions |
6G2AF | for welded structures |
To buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in low-alloy structural steel? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy low-alloy structural steel in any quantity at the manufacturer’s price. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.