Interesting things about fehrali
The name of the alloy voiced its main components: "fe" - ferum (iron), "chr" - chromium (12-15%), "al" - aluminum (3.5-5.5%). The alloy is based on iron. Its composition exceeds 70%. In addition the alloy is alloyed with silicon (1%) and manganese (0.7%). Nickel is often added to increase ductility, but then the total cost of the material increases. Alloy varieties are marked depending on the proportion of the main constituents.
Basic qualities
Fehral has a high electrical resistance - 1.20 - 1.30 μOhm-m2/m and a melting point (1450-1500°C). The alloy has a density of 7.2 g/cm3 which makes it 17% lighter than nichrome. Fechral is six times cheaper than nichrome, because it uses cheap aluminum instead of expensive nickel. The melting point of fecherry is even higher. Also of note is the high corrosion resistance of fehrals in the air, in oxidizing and carbon-containing environments. The disadvantage of the alloy is its brittleness, which makes it difficult to roll thin wire and foil.
Fehral ribbon is made by electrolysis or rolling. It is supplied in coils. Wire is produced by pressing, rolling or drawing. Available in coils or on reels. The thinner the diameter of wire, the higher its price. Due to the brittleness of the alloy, thin wire and strip are manufactured using more complex technologies, which increases their cost by 2 - 2.5 times.
International alloy grades.
Alloy 875 (W-KA1) - X23Yu5T (72.2% Fe, 22% Cr, 5.8% Al); melting point 1450 °C. Possible names: GS SY megapyr, Resistohm 145, Alchrome 875, Aluchrom 0, Kanthal A1, Alloy 875, Eurofehral. Alloy 837 (W-KAF) - X23U5 (72.7% Fe, 15% Cr, 5.3% Al); melting point 1450 °C. Possible names: GS SY, megapyr, Resistohm Y, Aluchrom Y, Kanthal AF, Alloy 837, Eurofahl. Alloy X21Yu4 (Kanthal D) Fe 73.2%, Cr 22%, Al 4.8%, melting point 1500 °C. Also referred to as Alloy 815, Kanthal D, Alchrome DK, Aluchrom 5, Resistohm 135, Megapyr, Eurofahl, GS SY.
For industrial electric furnace heaters, resistance elements, resistors, household appliance heaters, electric tube heaters, etc
Buy. Price
Evek GmbH sells a wide range of rolled metal products at the best price. It is formed taking into account the LME (London metal exchange) rates and depends on the technological characteristics of production without additional costs. The company always has Fehral wire and ribbon in stock, which provides: 1) high efficiency of delivery within Ukraine and CIS countries; 2) cost savings for consumers on the maintenance of warehouse facilities; 3)wide range of products. Quality is guaranteed by strict compliance with technological norms of production. The terms of fulfilment of orders are minimal. The price depends on the order volume and additional delivery terms. With wholesale orders there is a system of discounts.