TOU 647RK30054230-311-2000. Sheets, foil tantalum.
Are you interested in TU 647RK30054230-311-2000? We offer to buy tantalum foil, sheet from specialized warehouses of the supplier Evek GmbH with delivery to any city. Full compliance with modern quality standards. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy tantalum rolled products, the price is optimal in this segment of metal products.
Production of tantalum foil
The method of production of rolled tantalum sheet is cold-rolling from bars, which, in turn, are obtained by sintering the semi-finished product from powders. Billets undergo reduction operations in a carbon environment. Range of the produced plate is from 5 mm in thickness and 500...800 mm in width, with plate length 500...2000 mm. The range of tantalum plates can be changed upon customer's order.
Technical characteristics
Rolled sheets of tantalum according to TU 647RK30054230-311-2000 are used in various spheres of economic activities due to their operational characteristics. High technological plasticity of this metal allows to use it successfully in various technological processes of cold working by pressure, including the ones for making products of complex configuration. Tantalum is chemically inert to most acids, including concentrated acids, has high corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures of operation, has good indices of impact toughness and thermal conductivity. All these factors allow using tantalum plate in construction and production of chemical devices and apparatuses.
Tantalum foil and sheets to specification 647RK30054230-311-2000 are used as an alloying agent for steel and are quite often used for production of military vehicle bodies. In addition, in medicine shields and X-ray tubes are made using tantalum sheets, and tantalum sheets and plates are an optimal material for making implants - tantalum is chemically inert and adheres well to human body tissues. Evek GmbH offers tantalum foil and plate made of tantalum in accordance with TU 647RK30054230-311-2000. The supplier guarantees prompt delivery of the order to any point specified by the customer.
Composition of tantalum foil and sheet, TU 647RK30054230-311-2000
Type of rolled metal | Mark | Base % | Average impurity content, %, max | |
HFI | Tantalum | Nb-0,25. Ti-0,001. W+Mo-0.015. Na-0.0004. Mg-0.0003. Al-0.001. Ca-0.002. Cr-0.0006. Mn-0.0003. Ni-0.0005.Cu-0.0006. Zr-0.0005. Sn-0.0005. Fe-0.005. Si-0.003. C-0,01. N-0,01. O-0,015. H-0,001. | |
FOIL AND SHEETS: | HF-1. | Tantalum | Nb-0.5. Ti-0.003. W-0,1. Mo-0.15. Fe-0.01. Si-0.006. C-0,01. N-0,01. O-0,025. H-0,001. |
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Are you interested in TU 647RK30054230-311-2000? We offer to buy tantalum foil, sheet, price - determined by the technological features of production without the inclusion of additional costs. The website of Evek GmbH displays information about the latest arrivals of products. It is possible to order rolled products of any metal. We invite to partner cooperation.