TU 48-4-234-84. Calcium zirconium powder PCrK1, PCrK2, PCrKZM, PCrK1M, PCrK2M.
Are you interested in TU 48-4-234-84? We offer to buy calcium zirconium powder PCrK1, PCrK2, PCrKZM, PCrK1M, PCrK2M from specialized warehouses of supplier Evek GmbH with delivery in any city. Full compliance with modern quality standards. The supplier Evek GmbH offers rare-earth metals, the price is optimal in this segment of rolled metal products.
Production technology
Technical specifications provide for production of calcium zirconium powder of the following grades: PCrK1, PCrK2, PCrKZM, PCrK1M, PCrK2M. Sequence of operations:
- - Sintering with lime or calcium carbonate with the addition of CaCl2 at temperatures above 1100 ° C;
- - Sintering with soda at temperatures above 1,000°C or fusion with caustic soda (temperature to be above 500°C);
- - Leaching of silicon salts contained in the semi-finished product, after which the residue is decomposed in aqueous solutions of sulphuric or hydrochloric acids;
- - Sintering with potassium fluorosilicate, temperature about 1000° C;
- - Heating of fluorosilicate sinter with subsequent washing in acidified water, resulting in potassium fluorosilicate converted to water; when the solution cools, most of it (75-90%) is released;
- - Evaporation of the residue, with obtaining zirconium powder of the required composition.
We offer to buy calcium zirconium powder PCrK1, PCrK2, PCrKZM, PCrK1M, PCrK2M from specialized warehouse of supplier Evek GmbH with delivery in any city.
Ready zirconium powder contains:
- Iron - up to 0.085%;
- Titanium - up to 0.10%;
- Aluminum - up to 0,075%;
- Oxygen, up to 0.08%;
- Nitrogen - up to 0,004%.
Mechanical properties (temperature 20 ° C)
Brinell hardness - 80;- The limiting degree of deformation under compression, % - 72;
- Corrosion resistance in water environment, °С - not more than 300°;
- Elastic modulus, GPa - 87...90;
- Yield strength after annealing, MPa - 37 ... 40.
Buy, best price
Are you interested in TU 48-4-234-84? We offer to buy calcium zirconium powder PCrK1, PCrK2, PCrKZM, PCrK1M, PCrK2M, price - determined by the technological characteristics of production without including additional costs. On the website of Evek GmbH information on the latest arrivals of products is displayed. It is possible to order rolling of any metal. We invite to partner cooperation.