Heat treatment of nickel alloys
Increasing resistance
For high resistance to fatigue crack propagation it is suggested to treat granulated and pressed grades according to the regime:
- Solution annealing at Tprγʹ(temperature of complete dissolution of γʹ phase) + 10o with 1.5 hours of holding time;
- cooling at a rate of less than 5°C/min to below Tprγʹ-50°(1100-1050°C);
- double aging - 700 °C, 24 hours and 800 °C, 4 hours.
Heterogeneity .
The use of this treatment does not provide high heat resistance (if the temperature is above 800 °C) due to the low aging temperature. The lack of annealing before hard-solution treatment leads to heterogeneity, which reduces the level and stability of the alloy's characteristics.
The treatment method taken as a prototype is presented in the Russian Federation patent 1360232 "Method of heat treatment of discs made of complex alloyed heat-resistant nickel alloys" (IC C 22 F 1/10, in B.I. 16-94).
The method of heat treatment includes a preliminary annealing (t° 1100-1180°С) with an exposure of 4-6 hours, solid solution annealing in the range from Tprγʹ to Tprγʹ+10°, regulated cooling first with80-100°C/h to Tprγʹ-40°C, then 40-50°C/min, followed by a 2-step aging at 910-970°С with an exposure time of 6-24 hours and cooling 10-30°С/h to 800-850°С with an exposure time of 8-24 hours. According to the authors' data the implementation of treatment method for alloys EP975-ID and VZH137-ID allows to obtain the product without notch sensitivity with 100-hour long durability at 750 °C equal to 800 and 750 MPa, and at 850 °C equal to 480-440 MPa for two alloys respectively.
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