Interesting things about lead
General Characteristics
Lead, (Plumbum) chemical symbol Pb, is an element of Period 6, Group IV of the periodic table of D. Mendeleev. Its atomic weight is 207.19. The mineral of greatest industrial importance is galena PbS (lead luster). Lead is rare in its native form. It is a heavy gray metal that is very soft, malleable and ductile, and can be processed in any way. It is highly resistant to corrosion. A thin oxide layer formed in the air protects it from subsequent oxidation.
Natural occurrences
The lead content in the crust of the earth is 1.6-10-3% by mass. It occurs very rarely in nuggets. Sedimentary and ultrabasic intrusive rocks are rich in lead, where it is found in dozens of different minerals. In these formations, as a rule, lead is able to form intermetallic compounds with other elements. The most important minerals are cerussite PbCO3, galena PbS and anglesite (lead sulphate) PbSO4. Among the more complex minerals, we should mention betekhtinite Pb2 (Cu, Fe)21 S15, tillite PbSnS2 and sulfosols of lead - boulangerite Pb5 Sb4 S11, jasonite FePb4 Sn6 S14. Lead accompanies the radioactive ores of thorium and uranium. In nature, lead usually forms large deposits of polymetallic or zinc-lead ores of the stratiform type (Zabaikalye, Kholodninskoye), as well as of the skarn type (Dalnegorskoye), etc. The galena mineral accompanies deposits of various ores: copper-nickel, pyrite-polymetallic, uranium, gold ore, etc. Sulfosols are usually found in hydrothermal low-temperature deposits with arsenic, antimony and in gold ore deposits. Lead minerals of the sulfide type have a hydrothermal origin, and those of the oxide type are often found in oxidation zones (weathering crusts) of zinc-lead deposits. Clark concentrations of lead are found in almost all rocks.
Lead chalcogenides
These are lead selenide, telluride and lead sulphide, which are black crystals. They are used in electronics as narrow-zone semiconductors.
Lead salts.
Lead nitrate, sulfate, and also lead acetate, also called lead sugar, are highly toxic. Lead sugar (lead acetate) exists in the form of white powder or colorless crystals that gradually weather, losing hydrate water. This compound is perfectly soluble in water and has an astringent effect, but since it contains toxic lead ions, it is used as an external antiseptic in veterinary medicine.
Buy, price
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