Welding copper with other metals and alloys
Are you interested in welding copper with other metals and alloys? The supplier Evek GmbH offers a wide range of welded copper at an affordable price. We provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.
What is necessary
- - Analyze the phase state diagram of the metals to be welded. For example, pure copper forms intermetallic compounds only with some rare earth elements (neodymium, praseodymium), as well as gadolinium, scandium and mercury;
- - Ensure protection of the weld against corrosion. The phenomenon occurs when oxygen or another active oxidizing agent is required to weld one of the metals. In the case of copper alloys, the use of oxygen is excluded..;
- - Evaluate the difference in the structure of copper and the welded metal. a significant difference in the parameters of the crystal lattice in the weld will create internal stresses, which will determine the subsequent cracking;
- - Determine how much difference between the thermal expansion of copper and non-copper /alloys. If there is a significant difference in the values of such a coefficient of quality connection will also fail.
Optimizing the formation of the seam.
To reduce the difference in the melting temperature under the junction of the connected parts is placed a plate of metal, which is well-welded with each of the metals. For example, nickel plates are used to join steel to copper, and nickel, iron and copper intermetallides are formed in the transition zone of the weld.
Argon arc welding
The second method is the use of argon arc welding, when a filler rod is used as an intermediate element. Welding is carried out with a pulsating discharge.
Instead of welding, in some cases, copper cladding can be used for surfacing structures made of metals that cannot be welded with copper for the above mentioned reasons. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper of domestic and foreign production at an affordable price in a wide range. Provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. Price is optimal.
Buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in welding copper with other metals and alloys? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper at producer price. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite to partner cooperation.