Welding aluminum to copper
Are you interested in welding aluminum with copper? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal.
Difficulties of welding copper with aluminum
With ordinary fusion welding, it is very difficult to make an inseparable connection between copper and aluminum parts. This is due to the fact that due to the large difference in melting temperatures it is impossible to control the true chemical composition of the melt. From the strength point of view, the percentage of copper in the formed intermetallic compound is important: if it exceeds 12%, then the melt becomes liquid-fluid, with a corresponding decrease in mechanical strength. At the same time, the brittleness increases, and the weld metal is prone to corrosion cracking. Thus, the use of conventional carbon electrodes in welding copper and aluminum is ineffective.
The method of interlocking
To overcome these complications the interlocking method is used, which consists in placing a copper pad on top of the aluminum sheet, welding it on all sides and then surfacing the welded seams. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper of domestic and foreign production at an affordable price in a wide range. Provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.
Welding modes copper and aluminum
Electric arc welding uses direct current, and the process is carried out in straight polarity. It is mandatory to use a welding filler wire of aluminum alloys. Parameters of the process when welding products with thickness up to 15...20 mm are as follows:
- Amperage, А 500...550;
- Arc voltage, V - 50...60;
- Arc length, mm - 25...30;
- diameter of the filler wire, mm - 10...12.
Contact welding
Contact welding of copper and aluminium (used for welding of copper lugs to aluminium busbars) is a well-proven pulse welding method. The connection is made by discharging a capacitor battery, which connects these metals with each other by precipitation. Depending on the thickness of the products technological modes of the process are chosen within the following limits:
- Battery capacity, mF - 250...1000;
- Voltage, V - 1100 ... 1500;
- The force of the subsequent pressing, N - 1200 ... 1500.
Buy. Supplier, price
Are you interested in welding of aluminium and copper? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy welded copper at producer price. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.