Global demand for titanium
Titanium rolled products, due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, are indispensable today in aircraft, rocket and ship construction. It is indispensable in the chemical industry in the production of pumps, reactors and pipelines. Due to its biological inertness, this metal is widely used in medicine.
Titanium Sponge
The world production of titanium sponge in 2016 amounted to 65 thousand tons, including Russia - 23, Japan - 23, Kazakhstan - 12, Ukraine - 6.7 thousand tons. According to the US State Bureau of Statistics, the largest production facilities for titanium sponge are located in Russia (26 thousand tons per year), Japan (25), Kazakhstan (22), USA (21), China (7000 tons per year). The USA largest titanium company Timet (Titanium Metal Corporation) informed that along with increased demand in key titanium markets the costs for raw materials and power supply have considerably risen. As a result, the company is forced to increase prices for titanium castings and mill products by 8 - 11%.
We offer titanium alloys from specialized warehouses of the supplier Evek GmbH with delivery in any city. Full compliance with modern quality standards. The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy titanium alloys, the price is optimal in this segment of rolled products. Timely delivery is provided by representative offices in Eastern European cities.
Buy, bargain price
We offer titanium alloys, the price - determined by the technological features of production without including additional costs. The company's website displays information on the latest arrivals of products. Products with non-standard parameters can be ordered. We offer the best price-quality ratio for the whole range of products. In the segment of titanium alloys Evek GmbH is a profitable supplier.