Production and application of babbitt
Are you interested in the production and application of babbitt? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy babbitt at an affordable price in a wide range of products. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal.
Melting of lead and tin babbitt
When the melting furnace is loaded as a result of heating, the initial charge is melted to obtain the primary melt, which contains the most refractory components. Then the necessary alloying components are added to the melt, and a certain grade of babbitt is produced. Smelting is carried out in electric resistance crucible furnaces, using cast-iron crucibles with a capacity of up to 30 tons. After melting, the melt must be kept at a certain temperature for 3 to 5 minutes. This temperature determines the specific grade of babbitt.
Mold casting
The process ends with pouring the casting into molds/baskets. To ensure a homogeneous melt, the liquid solution is continuously stirred using special stirrers. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy babbitts of domestic and foreign production at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products to any point of the continent. Price is optimal.
Production of calcium babbitts
Babbitts considered is practically pure lead, which is alloyed with calcium and sodium in small amounts. They form complex intermetallic compounds with a solid, crystalline and more ductile component. The solid component carries the main load in bearings, and the plastic component is evenly distributed throughout the volume of lead, and increases the operating life of the alloy.
The chloride method
Calcium babbitts, when reused, are produced by the chloride method. This consists of adding metallic sodium to a sodium chloride melt (in the presence of the more fusible lead). The resulting chemical reaction produces an alloy of lead with calcium and sodium. In addition, in the process of making babbitt, its surface is coated with a mixture of calcium and sodium chlorides, which is removed from the boiler. At the final stage, the necessary amount of molten lead is added to the boiler, adjusting the chemical composition of the babbitt to the desired values.
Buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in the production and use of babbitt? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy babbitt at the producer price. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite to partner cooperation.