Thermocouple principle of the chromel-alumel type
Are you interested in the working principle of a thermocouple? The principle of the thermocouple is described most comprehensively on the website of the supplier Evek GmbH. The thermocouple is based on the principle of the thermoelectric effect, in which a potential difference v between conductors of different materials arises when heated.
Technical Data
For more accurate readings with little heat, devices with high thermoelectric power are used. They have positive electrodes: copper or chromel or iron, and negative electrodes: alumel, copel, constantan. In terms of thermoelectromotive force, the first place is occupied by copel-chromel thermocouple (TCK), which is used at temperatures up to 800 °C, the second place - copper copel, after descending: iron copel (up to 760 °C). Compensation wires carry the potential to the recording sensor. For such wires, cheaper wires are used: constantan, chromel K or KM grade, etc. Constantan is used in electrical measuring instruments for production of resistance standards.
The supplier
Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy thermocouple wire, the price is the most optimal in this segment of rolled products. We offer thermocouple wire from the company's specialized warehouses with delivery in any city. Full compliance with the modern quality standards... We invite you to partner with us.
Buy, good price
The supplier offers to buy the thermocouple wire, the price - due to technological features of production without including additional costs. The website of the company Evek GmbH contains information about the latest arrivals of products. Prices - optimal from the supplier.