GOST powders of precision alloys
Technical characteristic
GOST P 51576-2000 regulates the production of powders of heat-resistant and precision alloys, which are used for making magnetic and electrical shields and can be used in aircraft and machine-building. This technology provides obtaining of given sizes of products and magnetic properties, reduces labour intensity of production. after shaping is carried out thermal treatment is performed by mandrel with simultaneous calibration of product due to plastic deformation
Applications for
Precision instrumentation, sensors, machine building .
Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy precision alloy powder at the best price in this segment of rolled products. We offer precision powder from specialized warehouses of Evek GmbH with delivery in any city. Full compliance with GOST R 51576-2000.
Buy, bargain price
Information about latest arrivals is placed on our web-site. We have the best quality-price ratio for the whole range of products. Timely delivery is provided by representative offices in Eastern European cities.