GOST 9722-97. Nickel powder. Technical specifications.
Technical characteristic
This standard applies to nickel powders produced by carbonyl or electrolytic means for the manufacture of products by powder metallurgy methods and for other purposes. The requirements of this standard do not apply to powders produced by reduction of nickel compounds
Safety requirements
Maximum allowable concentration of nickel powder aerosols converted to nickel in the air of working area of production facilities is 0,05 mg/m3.
Precision instruments, sensors, mechanical engineering .
Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy precision alloy powders at the best price in this segment of rolled products. We offer precision powders from specialized warehouses of Evek GmbH with delivery in any city. Full compliance with GOST R 51576-2000.
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Information about latest arrivals is placed on our website. We have the best quality-price ratio for the whole range of products. Timely delivery is provided by representative offices in Eastern European cities.