Annealing, hardening and heat treatment of high-speed steel

Are you interested in annealing, hardening, machining of high-speed steel? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy high-speed steel in any quantity at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.

Heat treatment regimes

The standard provides a certain level of initial requirements for rolled high-speed steels. In particular, the hardness of steel in annealed state, hardness of samples after quenching and tempering, quenching and tempering temperatures should correspond to the values given in the table:

Steel grade Steel hardness Temperature, °С
after annealing after quenching with tempering, HRC (HRCe), not less tempering tempering
NV, no more imprint diameter, mm, no less
Р18 255 3,8 63 (62) 1270 560
Р6М5 255 3,8 64 (63) 1220 550
11Р3АМ3Ф2 255 3,8 64 (63) 1200 550
R6M5F3 269 3,7 65 (64) 1220 550
R12F3 269 3,7 64 (63) 1250 560
R18K5F2 285 3,6 64 (63) 1280 570
R9K5 269 3,7 64 (63) 1230 570
R6M5K5 269 3,7 65 (64) 1230 550
R9M4K8 285 3,6 65 (64) 1230 550
Р2АМ9К5 285 3,6 65 (64) 1200 540

Allowed deviations from the given temperatures should not exceed ±10 °С.
By customer request, steel grades R12F3, R9K5, R6M5F3, R6M5K5 are made with hardness not exceeding 255 NV (diameter of the imprint is notSteel grades Р18К5Ф2, Р9М4К8 are made with hardness not more than 269 НВ (diameter of the imprint is not less than 3,7 mm). In the steel macrostructure is not allowed: cushion friability, delamination, bubbles, inclusions and cracks. Allowed defects in the macrostructure, not exceeding the values specified in the table.

Type of defect Diameter or thickness of the material, mm Rating in points, not more, for groups
Liquation All sizes 1 1
Central porosity Up to 80 - 1
S 80 to 150 1 2
" 150 "200 2 -
Dot-spotted heterogeneity Up to 50 - 1
Св. 50 to 80 - 2
" 80 "150 1 2
" 150 "200 2 -

Carbide heterogeneity in points

Circle diameter or side of square, mm Rating in points, not more, for groups
Up to 20 - 2
Sv. 20 to 40 - 3
" 40 "60 - 4
" 60 "80 - 5
" 80 "100 5 6
" 100 "150 6 7
" 150 "180 7 -
" 180 "200 8 -

Carbide heterogeneity of the strip shall correspond to carbide heterogeneity of the square profile with equal cross-sectional area.
Accumulations of angular carbides in rods with special surface finish of Р6М5, Р6М5Ф3, 11Р3АМ3Ф2, Р9К5, Р6М5К5, Р2АМ9К5 grades are not allowed. Single "angular" carbides occurring in separate fields of view are allowed.
Group I standards are provided by electroslag remelting.

Evek GmbH offers to buy high-speed steel at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products to any point of the continent. The price is optimal.


To check the level of carbide heterogeneity of microstructure of high-speed steels after heat treatment hardness after quenching and tempering is determined by GOST 9013-59 onsamples taken from the finished profile. Control is carried out on the plane perpendicular to the direction of drawing. Number of prints on each sample shall be not less than three. Cooling of samples after quenching is carried out in oil. Tempering of samples is carried out two or three times, with an exposure time of 1 hour and cooling in the air.

Grain size of austenite steel after quenching

Diameter (thickness) of metal products, mm Size of austenite grains no coarser than number
according to the Sneider Graff method according to the scale
Up to 50 13 10
Over 50 10 9


Score Description of the distribution
carbide phase distribution
Permissible width of bands or clusters of carbides, mm
in high tungsten steels (with
on scale N 1)
In low-tungsten and tungsten-molybdenum steels (graded on scale N
on a scale of N 2)
1 Fine banded structure with short broken strips 2 1
2 Striated structure, single or multiple stripe distributions. Carbides within strips fragmented 4 2
3 А. Striated structure, single or multiple strips. Carbides within strips fragmented 6 4
Б. Remains of the broken carbide mesh. Mesh with fragmented carbides 6 4
4 А. Striped structure. Single or multiple strips. Carbides inside strips fragmented 8 5
Б. Weakly pronounced fractured mesh with clusters 8 5
5 А. Roughly banded structure, single or multiple bands 13 6
Б. Explicit discontinuous grid with clusters 13 6
6 А. Roughly banded structure, single or multiple bands 15 9
Б. A pronounced discontinuous grid with the presence of sparsely discontinuous cluster cells 15 9
7 Mesh torn in some places and clusters 20 14
8 Small deformed torn mesh and clusters 25 18

A cluster of carbides whose length is greater than or equal to 5 times the width is taken as a strip. Two adjacent strips are taken as one if the distance between them is less than the width of the narrower strip.

Buy. Supplier, price.

Are you interested in annealing, hardening, machining of high-speed steel? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy high-speed steel in any quantity at the manufacturer's price. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.