Interesting things about bronze
General classification
Bronzes are copper double, as well as multi-component copper alloys, where in addition to zinc are the alloying elements of other metals. Bronzes are divided into two groups: tin, where the predominant alloying element is tin, and special bronzes (tin-free). Bronzes are divided into foundry and wrought according to the technological characteristics. Foundry bronzes are designed for shaped castings. Wrought bronzes are easily amenable to rolling, stamping, corrugation, forging and other methods of processing under pressure, which are used in production. Compared to brass, bronzes have higher strength, corrosion resistance and anti-friction properties. Wrought bronzes are very resistant to atmospheric moisture, seawater, carbon dioxide solutions, organic acid solutions.
Alloying of bronzes
Aluminum, tin, nickel, iron, manganese, silicon, phosphorus, lead, beryllium, zirconium and chromium are used as alloying elements. In those bronzes where the alloying elements are in solid solution, they are strengthened by deformation tacking. Elastic properties of bronzes are improved by further low-temperature annealing at t° from 250 to 300 °C. Bronzes containing chromium, beryllium, zirconium, etc
The main qualities
Such elements as aluminum, tin, silicon and nickel increase strength of bronze, its elasticity and corrosion resistance, and in combination with phosphorus, lead and zinc - anti-friction properties. Nickel and iron provide grain refinement and increase recrystallization temperature. Silicon and manganese increase the heat resistance of bronzes. Chromium, zirconium and beryllium, especially after the quenching and aging process, significantly increase strength while slightly reducing the electrical conductivity of the alloy. The same elements greatly increase heat resistance. Bronzes (with the exception of aluminum and beryllium) are for the most part easy to weld and braze with soft and hard solders.
Tin-free bronzes
They are as good as, and sometimes even better than, tin bronzes. Such bronzes are widely used in mechanical engineering and other industries. They are used in the manufacture of critical parts: gears, fittings, bushings, bearings, tanks, tanks,
Buy, price
Evek GmbH stocks a wide range of bronze products of different grades, both foundry and wrought alloys. We value our customers time, so we are always ready to help with the best choice. At your service experienced managers-consultants. Product quality is guaranteed by strict adherence to production standards. The terms of fulfilling orders are minimal. Wholesale customers receive preferential discounts.