Nickel welding
The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy nickel alloys at the best price in the nickel product segment. We offer to buy nickel alloys from specialized warehouses of Evek GmbH with delivery in any city. Full compliance with the modern standards of quality. Timely delivery is provided by representative offices in Eastern European cities.
Welding problems
Welding nickel alloys is fraught with difficulties, due to the tendency to form pores after the sharp change in the solubility of nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen after the transition from solid to liquid state. To obtain pore-free welds an important condition is the cleanliness of the surface of the electrode wire, welded edges, welding consumables and base metal (electrode coatings, fluxes, shielding gases) as well as hydrogen binding and deoxidation in welding. This is solved by introducing strong deoxidants into the weld pool (titanium, aluminum, etc.), as well as by using coatings or fluxes that can convert hydrogen into stable volatile HP compounds or bind nickel oxides. For this reason, the welding technology can provide reliable protection of the welded area from atmospheric air, degassing of the weld pool and good deoxidation. An effective measure to prevent porosity is welding with a short arc (up to 1.5 mm), which significantly reduces the influx of gases from the atmosphere.
Buy, bargain price
Supplier offers nickel alloys, the price - due to the technological features of production without including additional costs. The website of Evek GmbH contains information about the latest arrivals of products. Always in stock precision steel, price - optimal from the supplier.