Metal forging


Round — a solid section of a long product is shaped like a cylinder, which is also called a «bar». XN60VT bar is produced with diameter of 22 — 80 mm. Depending on thickness the round is supplied either in coils (coils) or in straight lengths up to 6 m, stacked in stacks. Chemical composition, mechanical and physical properties of a round of CrN60VT (sometimes the alloy is designated as VZh98, EI868, CrN60VT-SH or CrN60VT-VD) regulates GOST 5632−72

Chemical composition:

Ni Cr W Fe Ti Si Mn Al С Ca P S
up to 63.2 up to 26.5 13−16 up to 4 0,3−0,7 up to 0.8 up to 0.5 up to 0.5 up to 0.1 up to 0.05 0,013 0,013

The basis of the alloy KhN60VT is nickel (Ni). The unique combination of three components (nickel, chromium, tungsten) makes this alloy very resistant to high-temperature working conditions. Nickel alloying with other elements in the alloy makes it possible to enhance its advantages and increase its wear resistance. Bar production is specified by TU 14−1-286−72.


High ultimate strength = 750 MPa, yield strength — about 300 MPa. It can elongate at break, but not more than by 30%. Relative contraction at +20°C does not exceed 52%. Heat treatment is carried out at 1150 °C to 1200 °C and is air hardened.

E 10- 5 a 10 6 Heat capacity Density
Grad MPa 1/Grad W/(m-grad) g/cm3
20 1.9 29,6 8,8  
200 13,2 11,7 8,7  
400 14,1 16.3 8,66  
600 15.1 21.3 8,58  
800 1,12 16 25.5 8,49

The main dignity of a circle of CrN60VT is that it perfectly tolerates high temperatures and works under such conditions without any deformation, including latent. In connection with the successful alloying it has another great property — wear resistance. This is especially important under conditions of prolonged stress. Because of the low iron content of this alloy, practically no rust. Its weldability is unrestricted and welding is done without any heating and without any further heat treatment.

Application of

Heat resistance allows the use of a circle of CrN60VT at very high temperatures, for example, for the production of welding electrodes. At t ° up to 1100 ° C, it is used in ovens burning and drying. It is widely used in the chemical, oil and gas, medical, energy industries, as well as in construction and mechanical engineering. In the motor industry it is used for parts of motors operating under low voltage at t° up to 1000 °C. It is used in the manufacture of static and rotating parts of turbines, combustion chambers.


All the presented products of CrN60VT grade are certified. The technical documentation includes data on the chemical composition, the limiting percentage of impurities; the mechanical properties of products. From us you can buy in bulk any semi-finished products for large-scale production. We also offer optimum conditions for retail buyers. The high level of service and responsiveness of service is the face of our company.

Buy at the best price

All chromium-nickel alloys sold by Evek GmbH comply with state quality standards. We supply rolled metal products of standard and non-standard sizes in the shortest terms. High quality, reasonable prices and a wide range of products determine the face of our company. Becoming our regular customer, you can count on a system of discount discounts. Cooperation with us will help you realize any engineering plans. We are waiting for your orders on our site.