Interesting things about tantalum
Interesting information about tantalum can be found on the website of Evek GmbH. We offer to buy tantalum from specialized warehouses of the supplier Evek GmbH with delivery to any city. Full compliance with modern quality standards. The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy rare-earth metals, the price is optimal in this segment of rolled metal products.
Technical characteristics
The element Ta has the atomic number seventy-three. It is a blue-gray, very hard metal with the fourth among the most refractory metallic elements. Its content in the Earth's crust is thought to be less than one ten-thousandth of a percent. There are many minerals containing tantalum, but only five that are currently suitable for commercial use: eucenite, microlite, polyrase, tantalite and vodginite. Of these minerals, tantalite is the most important for tantalum mining. The company Evek GmbH offers to buy rare-earth metals. Deliveries are made promptly and to any location specified by the customer.
Interesting facts about tantalum
This metal was discovered by Anders Ekeberg of Sweden in 1802. A year earlier, a similar element called columbium had been discovered by Charles Hatchett. In 1809, another scientist, William Hyde Wollaston, compared the two discoveries and realized that both metals are the same element. Tantalum is highly ductile and highly conductive, both of electricity and heat. It is well known for its ability to resist corrosion by acid, aqueous ash, and even strong nitrohydrochloride acid.
Gravity Separation.
Because of tantalum's high density, gravity separation is the most common way to extract this element from minerals. The company Evek GmbH offers to buy rare earth metals at affordable prices... The supplier provides delivery to any destination.
Isotopes and Nuclear
The unstable tantalum isotope Ta-180m is the most capricious isotope in the universe. Tantalum has been studied as a potential component of nuclear weapons because it increases the amount of radioactive fallout and contaminates a wider area when it fissions uncontrollably. Tantalum can increase the theoretical intensity of gamma rays to a million electron volts.
Promising Directions
Most tantalum, is used in powder form for electronic products. The metal is also widely used as a component of heat-resistant alloys because its presence increases the alloy's melting point and anti-corrosion properties. Tantalum has high biocompatibility, so it is widely used in medical implants and implant coatings.
Buy, bargain price
You will find interesting information about tantalum on the website of Evek GmbH. We offer to buy tantalum, the price - determined by the technological features of production without including additional costs. On the website of our company displays information about the latest arrivals of products. It is possible to order rolling of any metal. We invite to partner cooperation.