History of tantalum. Physical and mechanical properties.
Are you interested in the history of tantalum? We offer to buy rare-earth metals from specialized warehouses of the supplier Evek GmbH with delivery to any city. Full compliance with modern quality standards. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy rare-earth metals, the price is optimal in this segment of rolled metal products.
Discovery of tantalum
The metal was discovered in 1802 by Anders G. Ekeberg, a professor at Uppsala University, Sweden, in the mineral tantalite from Finland and yttrotrans tantalite from Sweden. In 1809, however, the famous English chemist William Wallaston stated that there was no discovery because Ekeberg had isolated niobium, which had also been discovered in 1802. The scientific community concluded that Wallaston was right, and Ekeberg's discovery was declared a mistake. And the fact is that niobium is very difficult to separate from tantalum, It was not until 1846 that German mineralogist Heinrich Rose finally proved that these metals are different elements. In 1903, Werner von Bolton first refined the tantalum metal.
The name
The name of the element comes from the Greek mythological character Tantalos. Niobe (niobium) was the daughter of Tantalos. Ekeberg gave his new element the name tantalum because it was, as he stated, a "tantalizing" element. It is a shiny, gray, dense metal, very malleable, nontoxic, and can be rolled into thin wire or foil. Buy any rare earth metals at the manufacturer's price offers the company Evek GmbH. The supplier guarantees delivery of products to any destination.
The tantalum content in the Earth's crust is 1.7 parts per million by weight, 0.2 parts per million in terms of moles. This metal does not occur in free form, and is mined from minerals such as columbite and tantalite. These minerals often also contain niobium. Commercially, tantalum is first extracted by forming an oxide (Ta2 O5). The oxide is then reduced using carbon or hydrogen. Tantalum has 31 isotopes (whose half-lives are known), with mass numbers ranging from 156 to 186. Naturally occurring tantalum consists of the stable isotope 181 Ta.
Properties of tantalum.
The chemical properties of this metal are very similar to those of niobium. Tantalum is highly corrosion resistant due to the formation of an oxide film. It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. The metal has high wear resistance and a very high melting point. Only tungsten and rhenium are superior in refractoriness.
Electronics industry, high-capacitance capacitors and power resistors. Alloying of alloys of high strength, ductility and corrosion resistance. This metal is used in dental and surgical instruments and implants because it does not cause immune rejection.
Buy, bargain price
Are you interested in the history of tantalum? We offer to buy rare earth metals, the price - determined by the technological features of production without including additional costs. The website of Evek GmbH displays information on the latest arrivals of products. It is possible to order rolled products of any metal. We invite to partner cooperation.