Interesting things about zirconia
Interesting information about zirconium can be found on our company's website. We offer to buy zirconium from the specialized warehouse of the supplier Evek GmbH with delivery in any city. Full compliance with modern quality standards. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy rare earth metals, the price is optimal in this segment of rolled metal products.
Interesting things about zirconium
The element Zr has an atomic number of forty. It is an active metal that is easily ignited in air, especially in the form of a fine powder. Zirconium was discovered by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1789. It got its name from the Arabic zargun, which means "golden color. One of the common minerals based on ZrSiO4 has a golden hue. Several zirconium-rich minerals, including jargun and hyacinth, have been used since biblical times, and are mentioned in the Bible. In 1914, pure zirconium was produced by John Jacob Berzlius. Kroll's method is used to isolate zirconium from various mineral sources. Generally, the resulting magnesium is removed and a sample of zirconium is left, which is purified by heating. The fourth, semi-stable isotope Zr-94 has such a high half-life (100 quintillion years) that it can also be considered stable. Powdered zirconium is incredibly flammable. Its melting point is 1855 degrees Celsius. Below a certain temperature, zirconium alloys with zinc become magnetic. The company Evek GmbH offers to buy zirconium rolled products. The supplier provides prompt delivery of products to any address specified by the customer.
Industrial production
There are twenty eight isotopes of zirconium. Because the metal reacts with water, it is not naturally occurring in its metallic form. The most common sources of zirconium use are Australia and South Africa. The global mining industry mines and processes approximately 900,000 tons of zirconium each year. It is found in over 140 minerals. Zirconium is thought to be present in the Sun's atmosphere and in many meteorites. Lunar rock samples obtained by NASA's Apollo missions have found that this metal is present in the lunar soil. Zirconium-rich sand is another source of material for industry.
Buy, bargain price
You can find interesting information about zirconium on our company's website. We offer to buy rare earth metals, the price - determined by the technological features of production without including additional costs. The website of Evek GmbH displays comprehensive information on the latest arrivals of products. It is possible to order rolling of any metals. We invite to partner cooperation.