Zirconia welding
Are you interested in welding zirconium and its alloys? We offer to buy zirconium from the specialized warehouses of the supplier Evek GmbH with delivery to any city. Full compliance with modern quality standards. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy rare-earth metals, the price is optimal in this segment of rolled metal products.
Unlike a number of other rare metals, zirconium is easily fused under inert gas shielding using welding methods such as gas arc welding, plasma arc welding, as well as specialized processes such as electron beam and laser welding. The material requires extra attention to shielding cleanliness and inert gas to protect the welding area from foreign materials and atmospheric contamination. Cleanliness and shielding are the two most important factors affecting final weld quality.
Weldability of zirconium and its alloys
Zirconium alloyed with 2-3% niobium is the most commonly welded alloy. However, the use of this alloy is limited in pressure equipment, in particular because of the need to remove residual welding stresses. The American Welding Society (AWS) recommends that zirconium alloys be welded using uncoated welding electrodes.
The strength of zirconium alloys is determined by the presence of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and iron. The more of these elements present, the higher the strength and the lower the ductility. When welding, the weld and welding wire should be thoroughly and completely cleaned and no extraneous materials should be introduced during welding processes. The surface of the weld, the weld root and the adjacent hot metal should also be protected by a layer of inert gas. During welding, the temperature in the area of the welding arc should be between 320...350°C. Buy zirconium and its alloys at manufacturer's prices offered by Evek GmbH. Supplier guarantees timely delivery to any location specified by the customer.
Technical Feature
- - Gas arc welding allows complete welding of fragments of any configuration to which a torch can be brought.
- - Automatic welding is usually limited to flat or horizontal positions of the products to be welded. Welding machines with copper support rods are common for obtaining straight joints.
- - For single use, plasma arc welding using automated equipment is used. Typically, an additional pass may be required after welding on the sides of the weld root.
filler metal
The filler metal should be stored in a dry, tightly sealed cabinet. Wire feed tubes should be clean and, if possible, used only for welding zirconium and its alloys. Items should be thoroughly cleaned of contaminants prior to welding. Immediately before welding, the surface of the weld should be scrubbed and then wiped with a lint-free cloth moistened with acetone or a similar non-chlorinated solvent.
Zirconia is much easier to weld under inert gas (argon, helium or a mixture of these). Zirconium also requires inert gas shielding of the cured weld and adjacent metal surfaces heated during welding to prevent oxidation of the surface and its associated subsequent degradation. Argon, containing no more than 0.002% of impurities, provides excellent arc stability, and since it is heavier than air, it covers the weld and provides protection. It is recommended that a continuous flow of argon be maintained to remove any material coming from the zirconia surface with welding heat and to provide a constant, slight positive pressure. Argon is a poor conductor of heat, so welded parts can become quite hot and may become slightly discolored as the zirconium adsorbs the oxygen remaining in the argon atmosphere.
Gas Hoses.
Clear clear plastic gas hoses (PVC, vinyl, Teflon, polypropylene, or high-density polyethylene) are used for welding to eliminate the air permeability that occurs with rubber.
Buy, bargain price
Are you interested in welding zirconium and its alloys? We offer to buy zirconium, the price is determined by the technological features of production without including additional costs. The website of Evek GmbH displays information on the latest arrivals of products. It is possible to order rolling of any metal. We invite to partner cooperation.