Beryllium applications, physical and mechanical properties
Are you interested in the physical and mechanical properties of beryllium and its applications? The supplier Evek GmbH offers you to buy a wide range of beryllium products at an affordable price. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal.
Beryllium is found in about 30 different types of minerals. The most important are beryl (beryllium aluminosilicate) and bertrandite (beryllium silicate). Emerald and aquamarine are precious forms of beryl. The metal is usually obtained by reducing fluoride BeF2 with magnesium.
Discovery of beryllium
The gemstones beryl and emerald are forms of the aluminosilicate Be3 Al2 (SiO3) 6. French mineralogist Abbé René asked chemist Nicolas Louis Vauquelin to analyze the composition of the crystals. Thus beryllium was discovered. In February 1798 Vauquelin announced his discovery at the French Academy and named the element glaucinium (Greek glykys = sweet) because its compounds tasted sweet. Others suggested the name beryllium, based on the gemstone, and this is now the official name.
Metallic beryllium.
Beryllium, a silvery white metal of low density, was isolated in 1828 by Friedrich Wöhler in Berlin and independently by Antoine-Alexanderre-Brutus Bussy in Paris. Evek GmbH offers to buy beryllium rolled products at manufacturer's prices. The supplier guarantees prompt delivery of products to any address specified by the customer.
Applications of
In modern industry in alloys with copper or nickel, this metal is used for the manufacture of gyroscopes, springs, electrical contacts, spot welding electrodes and non-sparking tools. Other beryllium alloys are used as structural materials for high-speed aircraft, rockets, spacecraft, and communications satellites. Ultra-thin beryllium foil is transparent to X-rays, so it finds use in X-ray lithography. Beryllium rods are used in nuclear reactors as a neutron moderator.
Beryllium compounds are toxic and carcinogenic. If beryllium dust or fumes are inhaled, it can lead to an incurable pneumonia called berylliosis.
Buy. Supplier, Price.
Are you interested in the physical and mechanical properties of beryllium and its applications? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy a wide range of beryllium products. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.