Circle, bar 06ХН28МДТ - 1.4539 - aisi 904L
International Equivalent
Of stainless steel 06ХН28МТД produces stainless pipes, sheets, stainless hexagon, stainless square, tape, wire, circle. These robust, reliable and durable products are used in construction, engineering, widely used for the manufacture of consumer goods.
Classification 06ХН28МТД of the circle
Depending on how and where the circle will be used, depends on its composition and length. That is why very often a circle is made to order. The length of the finished product can be from 4 to 10 meters, Ø 5 - 400 mm. Circle Ø>200-250 mm undergoes the process of rolling and subsequent rolling to the desired diameter. Large circle cross-section made of low-alloy metal or carbon steel of ordinary quality, the average - from high-quality carbon or alloy steel, and the thinnest circle - from high-alloy steel.
Chemical composition of 06XHN28MDT (GOST 18 143-72)
Resistance to corrosion and aggressive environments, heat resistance and heat resistance, a relatively low cost and a wide range of applications - this is not a complete list of advantages of "stainless steel". From such a circle it is possible to make parts that will work in different concentrations of sulfuric acid and at temperatures up to 80 °C. There are common problems for such high-strength alloys - it resists pitting corrosion in humid and aggressive external environment.
In today's world, stainless steel alloys - perhaps the most popular material. Circle 06ChN28MTD is indispensable for the installation of various kinds of welded structures, in the manufacture of reactors, heat exchangers, experiencing the action of very aggressive solutions and high temperatures. It is used for motor shafts, axles, track rollers and washers, which operate under high load concentration, as well as in those places where the load is characterized by particular complexity: vibration and shock. Round is also indispensable in the manufacture of various weldments, fittings, working in a radioactive environment. Also this steel is an important material for instrument medicine and food industry. Details made of stainless steel circle 06ХН28МТД provide durability, strength and reliability of any structures.
All the presented products of 06XHN28MDT grade are certified. The technical documentation includes data on the chemical composition, the limiting percentage of impurities; mechanical properties of products. From us you can buy in bulk any semi-finished products for large-scale productions. We also offer optimum conditions for retail buyers. The high level of service and responsiveness of service is the face of our company.
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Evek GmbH has a diverse range of precision alloys in stock. We deliver certified products of domestic and foreign manufacturers. We appreciate the time of our customers, so we are always happy to provide expert help with the choice. Experienced consulting managers are at your service. The quality of the products is guaranteed by the strict observance of production standards. Execution of orders takes minimal time. Wholesale customers are offered discounts.