CrN75MBTU sheet - EI602

International Equivalent

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HN75MBTYu EI602 2.4856 N06625 NiCr22Mo9Nb Delivery from the stock, in stock

General Characteristics

The name of the alloy KhN75MBTU indicates the alloying elements in its composition: X - chromium (Cr), H - nickel (Ni), M - molybdenum (Mo), B - niobium (Nb), T - titanium (Ti), Yu - aluminum (Al). The number 75 after the letter H indicates the average percentage of nickel. That is what gives high heat and ductility to the material, resistance in aggressive environments. It is produced as hot-rolled or cold-rolled sheet.

Percentage composition of ХН75МБТЮ sheet

Ni Cr Mo Fe Si Nb Al Ti Mn С Cu S
up to 77.6 19-22 1,8-2,3 to1 up to 0.8 0.9-1.3 0.35-0.75 0.35-0.75 up to 0.4 up to 0.12 up to 0.1 up to 0.012

Due to the alloying elements, this alloy belongs to the group of austenitic steels. They are highly resistant to high temperature, easy to polish, have an attractive appearance. Sheet KhN75MBTU has a high heat resistance compared to similar alloys (pearlitic or martensitic), has a high manufacturability (malleability, weldability), scale resistance - resistance to gas corrosion and temperature fatigue. Due to its high merits, such sheet is indispensable for parts that must operate for a long time at 700 - 900 °C.


The sheet's main material property, heat resistance, makes it very difficult to process. Tests show that in the interval of dispersion hardening (700-800 ° C) plasticity characteristics change from 3 to 10%. The sheet can be welded and brazed. Welding is allowed without heating and without subsequent heat treatment. Specialists know the peculiarities of welding technology of austenitic steels and when choosing a welding method, they proceed first and foremost from the thickness of the sheet and the shape of the structure. It is known that the best welding quality and elimination of alloying elements loss is achieved by using coated electrodes of fluoride-calcium materials. For successful soldering of products it is necessary to use dunite or platinum catalysts, because the surface of chromium-nickel alloy sheet is covered with a film of chromium oxides. The resistance of the film is quite high, which causes difficulties in soldering.

E 10- 5 a 10 6 Heat capacity Density
Grad MPa 1/Grad W/(m-grad) g/cm3
20 1.9 8,3
200 13.4 15.3
400 1.65 15 18.5 8,16
600 1.5 16.5 22,3
700 1,37 18.1 24.4 8


Heat-resistant alloy KhN75MBTU, due to its high resistance to creep and fracture at elevated temperatures, is widely used in industrial manufacturing, such as working at moderate stress at high temperatures: parts of gas pipelines and combustion chambers. The high level of resistance (700-800 MPa) and long-term strength (250-300 MPa) of the alloy allow it to be used for the manufacture of steam and steam heating pipes, a variety of systems of ultrahigh pressure, gas and steam turbines, as well as use it for parts of any engine, up to the jet.

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