Sheet, strip CrN35VT
International Equivalent
Alloy KhN35VT in its basis contains - a solid 35% solution of nickel. The remainder is iron (38-47%) and chromium (14-16%). The qualities of the material depend on the alloying additives. The composition includes silicon (up to 0.6%), tungsten (2.3-3.5%), copper (up to 0.25%), molybdenum (up to 0.3%), manganese (1-2%), titanium (1.1-1.5%), phosphorus and sulfur in thousandths. Low-carbon steel CHN35VT containing 0.12% C can be cemented - enriched with carbon to improve wear resistance and hardness.
Chemical composition:
The temperature of the forging of semi-finished products is in the range of 1170 - 850 °C. Finished products are cooled in air. Tape, CrN35VT sheet are welded with difficulty. Welding is carried out by manual arc welding with electrodes KTI-762. For greater strength of the weld is recommended preheating to 200-300 ° C and the final heat treatment - annealing.
Production of thick 4 - 160 mm hot-rolled sheets of CrN35VT is regulated by
Assortment and usage
Sheets can be general purpose (OH), for coloring (traction PC), normal (H), deep (D), very deep (VG) drawing, for cold profiling (CHP). Sheet can also be corrugated and slotted - used as non-slip coating, for stairwells, service platforms. Such structures are required at the facilities of the oil, gas, petrochemical industry, for the construction of lightweight building structures. For example, for fencing private territory, balconies, heating systems. CrN35VT tape is used for heat-resistant parts.
Sheet can be supplied in coils or flat with trimmed and unedged edges. Steel thickness in the roll may be 4-12 mm, in sheets - up to 16 cm. Flat-rolled products may be delivered to the customer in containers or by any transport company. The self-delivery is also possible. All products of CrN35VT grade are certified. Technical documentation includes data on chemical composition, limiting percentage of impurities; mechanical properties of products. From us you can buy in bulk any semi-finished products for large-scale production. We also offer optimum conditions for retail buyers. The high level of service and responsiveness of service is the face of our company.
Buy at the best price
Evek GmbH has an unlimited assortment of iron-nickel alloys of the highest quality. We offer special alloys at the best price. If you are interested in our offer please contact your nearest office. Qualified specialists will provide all necessary information regarding products, price range, sales conditions. The cost of goods depends on the parameters of products and additional terms of delivery.