Aluminum applications in the military industry
Are you interested in the use of aluminum in the military industry? The supplier Evek GmbH offers a wide range of aluminum at an affordable price. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal.
AK9M2, AK12M2, AK11M2, AK21M2, AK12M2p
The AK9M2, AK12M2, AK11M2, AK21M2, and AK12M2r aluminum alloys are used to produce parts for small arms and automatic weapons;
BAL10, BAL8, VKZHLS-2, AK9C6r, AK12MMgN, AK12M2MgN.
Heat-resistant aluminum alloys alloyed with iron, manganese and nickel, such as VAL10, VAL8, ВКЖЛС-2, АК9Ц6р, AK12ММгН and AK12М2МгН, are part of the materials used for making armor protection for wheeled and tracked military vehicles.
AM4, AMg3Mc, AMg6l, AMg6lh, AMg10, AMg10h, AMg11, AMg7, AK7C9, AC4Mg
Aluminum alloys alloyed with manganese of АМ4, АМg3Мc, АМg6l, АМg6lch, АМg10, АМg10ch, АМg11, АМg7, АК7Ц9 and АЦ4Мg marks are used for manufacture of inner plating for strategic bombers.
AL22, AL29, AL11 and AL24.
Aluminum alloys of AL22, AL29, AL11 and AL24 grades are used in production of elements of military aircraft fuselages. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy aluminum rolled products at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.
Relevance of aluminum in military equipment
Due to its high ductility and fluidity, aluminum is used in stamping, upsetting, machining, and foundry applications. Deformation-strengthened aluminum alloys with magnesium and manganese of АМг3Мц, АЦ4Мг, etc. are used as sheet blanks (sheets, strips, bands) in forging and pressing shops. Casting produces billets of VAL and AL grade alloys, and by hot forging on hammers the products of AK type alloys are made. In some cases powdered aluminum is also used. From it, in particular, produce incendiary compositions and mixtures.
To buy. Supplier, price
Are you interested in the use of aluminium in the military industry? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy aluminium at the producer price. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.