Rolling machines
Rolling technology
The roller mill belongs to batch-rolling equipment. Pipe is laid on a stationary conical mandrel and rolled by 4 gauges fixed in work rolls. The cross-section of the gauge roll has a variable radius. The initial value is equal to the radius of the workpiece and the final value corresponds to the finished product. Thus, the straight stroke of the cage narrows the radius of the slot between the calibers by crimping the workpiece. The output is a tube with a given diameter (D) and thickness (t). The cycle repeats in the opposite direction - the stand returns to the initial position, making a second crimping of the product. As a result, the parameters of the finished tube, during one cycle, are the product of the total drawing by the feed (t).
The most common type of attachment for fixing gauges on a roll forming machine is the calibre-half gauge. It is fastened in the working cutout of the roll. The other type of attachment is when a ring-shaped roll is slid onto the work roll-axle. This type of attachment is a recent development.
Mill parameters
The work roll radius affects not only the stand length, but also the stand weight and its number of returns per minute, the mill productivity, the degree of billet deformation and the wall thickness of the tube being produced. On the radius of the working rolls depend on the angle of rotation of the rolls, the parameters of the gear of the initial circle, the length of the crank and stroke of the stand, as well as the ratio of the length of the idle and working sections of the stand stroke.
Buy, price
Evek GmbH sells stainless steel rolled products at the best price. It is formed taking into account the technological features of production and does not include additional costs. With us you can buy a variety of products in bulk for large-scale production. We also offer good terms for retail buyers. On our site you will find all the necessary information. Orders are fulfilled in a very short time. Wholesale customers are offered discounts.