GOST of carbon tool steel
Are you interested in the GOST of carbon tool steel? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy carbon tool steel in any quantity at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products to any point of the continent. The price is optimum.
The main standard, which regulates the conditions of production of tool carbon steels is GOST 1435−99. It defines the range of manufactured rolled metal products, chemical composition and basic consumer properties of these steels. The steel from which the steel products are made is subdivided according to its chemical composition into quality and high quality steel (the latter must have the letter A in its designation).
Designation .
Depending on the mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper, steel products are divided into three groups according to their designation:
1 — products of all kinds, including cores, except for patented wire and ribbon;
2 — patented wire and ribbon;
3 — products of all types (including production of hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheets and strips), production technology of which involves multiple heating, intensifying the possibility of graphitization of steel, as well as the production of products, which require increased hardenability (except for rolled cores, patented wire and ribbon).
According to the method of further processing, hot-rolled and forged bars and strips are divided into subgroups:
a — for hot pressure processing (including upsetting, upsetting), as well as for cold broaching;
b — cold machining (turning, gouging, milling, etc.).
According to the state of the material metal products are made without heat treatment,
Heat-treated — T and hardened — H (for calibrated and special surface finish bars).
Chemical composition
Steel grade | carbon |
silicon |
manganese |
sulfur | phosphorus |
not more than | |||||
У7 | 0,65−0,74 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,028 | 0,030 |
У8 | 0,75−0,84 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,028 | 0,030 |
U8G | 0,80−0,90 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,33−0,58 | 0,028 | 0,030 |
У9 | 0,85−0,94 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,028 | 0,030 |
У10 | 0,95−1,04 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,028 | 0,030 |
У11 | 1,05−1,14 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,028 | 0,030 |
У12 | 1,15−1,24 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,028 | 0,030 |
У13 | 1,25−1,35 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,028 | 0,030 |
U7A | 0,65−0,74 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,28 | 0,018 | 0,025 |
U8A | 0,75−0,84 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,28 | 0,018 | 0,025 |
U8GA | 0,80−0,90 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,33−0,58 | 0,018 | 0,025 |
U9A | 0,85−0,94 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,28 | 0,018 | 0,025 |
U10A | 0,95−1,04 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,28 | 0.018 | 0,025 |
U11A | 1,05−1,14 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,28 | 0,018 | 0,025 |
U12A | 1,15−1,24 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,28 | 0,018 | 0,025 |
U13A | 1,25−1,35 | 0,17−0,33 | 0,17−0,28 | 0,018 | 0,025 |
The letters and numbers in the steel grade symbolize: U — carbon, followed by a number — the average mass fraction of carbon in tenths of a percent, D — increased mass fraction of manganese.
2. 2. The mass fraction of sulfur in the steel, obtained by electroslag remelting, should not exceed 0,013%.
The group of metal product group |
Steel grade | chromium | nickel | copper |
not more than | ||||
1 | U7, U8, U8G, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U7A, U8A, U8GA, U9A, U10A, U11A, U12A, U13A | Not more than 0.20 | 0,25 | 0,25 |
2 | У7А, У8А, У8GA, У9А, У10А, У11А, У12А, У13А | Not more than 0.12 | 0,12 | 0,20 |
3 | U7, U8, U8G, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U7A, U8A, U8GA, U9A, U10A, U11A, U12A, U13A | 0,20−0,40 | 0,25 | 0,25 |
Evek GmbH offers to buy carbon steel tool steel, GOST 1435−99, at an affordable price in a wide range. Provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. Price is optimal.
GOST 1435−99 stipulates the surface quality of the supplied carbon steel rolled instrument steel, as well as its initial hardness:
Steel grade |
Brinell hardness of thermally treated steel products | Rockwell hardness of samples after quenching in water | ||
HB, not less | Impression diameter, mm, not less | Hardening temperature, °С | HRCe (HRC), not less | |
У7, У7А U8, U8A, U8G, U8GA |
187 | 4,4 | 800−820 780−800 |
63 (62) |
U9, U9A | 192 | 4,35 | 760−780 | 63 (62) |
U10, U10A | 207 | 4,2 | 770−800 | 63 (62) |
U11, U11A | 212 | 4,15 | 770−800 | 63 (62) |
U12, U12A U13, U13A |
212 217 |
4,15 4,1 |
760−790 | 64 (63) |
Heat-treated metal products with a diameter or thickness of less than 5 mm are not tested for hardness, and at the request of the consumer tensile test. Tensile strength shall comply with the standards given in the table.
Steel grade | Tensile strength , MPa (kgf/mm2), not more |
U7, U7A, U8, U8A, U8G, U8GA, U9, U9A | 650 (66) |
UR10, UR10А, UR11, UR11А, UR12, UR12А, UR13, UR13А | 750 (76) |
On the surface of bars and strips are not allowed rolls, rolled or unrolled cracks, soiling, bubbles, rolled plenums and tears.
Surface defects shall be removed by hollow cutting or stripping. The depth of stripping shall not exceed (counting from the actual size of rolled products):
for bars and strips with a diameter or thickness of less than 80 mm — half of the sum of the size deviation limits;
for bars and strips with diameter or thickness from 80 to 140 mm — the sum of size limit deviations;
for bars and strips with diameter or thickness over 140 mm — 4% of the nominal diameter or thickness.
Defects of mechanical origin (prints, scratches, risks, ripples, etc.) of a depth not exceeding half of the sum of the limit deviations, and also fine rolled or unrolled impurities and bubbles, of a depth not exceeding 0.25 of the sum of the limit deviations, but not more than 0.2 mm, counting from the actual size are allowed without scraping.
On the surface of hot-rolled coils, individual fine stains, rolled contaminants and bubbles, defects of mechanical origin (prints, scratches, risks, ripples, etc.), not exceeding 0.25 of the sum of the limit deviations, counted from the actual size, are allowed without scraping.
On the surface of bars intended for the manufacture of parts by hot upsetting or upsetting, rolled or cracked contaminants and bubbles are not allowed.
On the surface of bars and strips of subgroup b local defects are allowed, if their depth of occurrence does not exceed:
for sizes up to 100 mm — half of the sum of the size limit deviations;
for sizes 100 mm and more — the sum of the limiting deviations to size, counting from the actual size.
The quality of the surface of calibrated bars (coils) must comply with GOST 1051, B, C groups; with special surface finish — GOST 14955, C, G, D groups.
The metal products designed for hot upsetting and upsetting are tested for hot upsetting. Deposited samples should not have opened cracks, rolls, tears.
Buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in GOST carbon tool steel? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy carbon tool steel in any quantity at manufacturer’s price. We provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.