Zirconia turning
Are you interested in zirconium turning? We offer to buy zirconium from the specialized warehouse of the supplier Evek GmbH with delivery to any city. Full compliance with modern quality standards. Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy rare-earth metals, the price is optimal in this segment of rolled metal products.
Technical characteristics
Mechanical properties (temperature 20 ° C)
- Tensile strength, MPa - 240;
- Shear modulus, MPa - 190;
- Poisson's ratio - 0,35.
Zirconium can be machined on metal-cutting machines using conventional methods. Three basic parameters must be used for machining operations:
- Low rotational speed of the workpieces;
- Significant cutting tool feeds;
- Intensive feeding of cooling lubricants (preferably with reduced viscosity).
The feed angle and sharpness of the cutter determines the quality of the turning operation.
Cutting edge
Both, solid carbide and high speed steel tools offer satisfactory cutting results. In the former case, better surface quality and higher productivity are assured. Polishing or honing the cutting edges gives the tools increased durability. Zirconia semi-finished products have an excellent finish after turning, requiring relatively material and labor costs in comparison with turning alloy steels. Evek GmbH offers to buy billets and semi-finished products made of zirconium and its alloys at cost-effective prices. The supplier guarantees prompt delivery of the metal to any location specified by the customer.
Features of cutting modes
Since the forces and torques applied for turning are relatively low, the causes for the spontaneous ignition of zirconia workpieces must be eliminated in good time. Because zirconia gets very hot during turning, its dimensions increase, which can negatively affect the reliability of clamping of the workpiece in the fixtures of the lathe. Zirconia turning is considerably less energy intensive with only 10 percent of cutting energy absorbed by the cutting tool surfaces. The cutting speed and choice of tool material determines the efficiency of zirconia turning. The usual rotational speed is 2500...35000 min-1.
Technological processes of vertical and horizontal milling of flat surfaces give good results. Zirconia milling is carried out at the maximum values of the cutter entry angles and at the maximum cutting depths. Special attention is paid to the quality of the cutting edges of the cutters during preparation of the metal-cutting tools. Positive axial inclination angles are used for both sides of the indentation. Optimal surface finish and tool life are obtained when the sharpening angle of the cutting tool is within 12 ... 15°. There should always be a sufficient amount of cutting fluid in the machining area.
When grinding zirconia, small final machining tolerances are usually set. The metal (both pure and in alloys) can be easily surface ground, cylindrical grinding, centerless grinding and belt grinding. Conventional as abrasive wheels, coated abrasives and lubricants can be used for machining. The use of coolant provides improved machining quality, high productivity, and also prevents ignition of the workpiece from accumulated chips. Zirconia produces a white stream of sparks.
Buy, bargain price
Are you interested in zirconia turning? We offer to buy zirconium, the price is determined by the technological features of production without including additional costs. The website of Evek GmbH displays information about the latest arrivals of products. It is possible to order the rolling of any metal. We invite to partner cooperation.