Heat treatment of metals, steels and alloys
Evek GmbH offers services for the selection of technology and equipment for the efficient performance of various heat treatment modes of metals and alloys. The sales are carried out at affordable prices from the manufacturer. The supplier guarantees delivery directly to the location specified by the customer.
Varieties of metal heat treatment technology
Depending on the task - increasing hardness and plasticity, changing impact toughness, providing the necessary micro- and macrostructure of the treated metal, changing the chemical composition of its surface - the following heat treatment methods are used:
- Annealing - is used to soften the metal and obtain its equilibrium structure;
- Hardening - increases the strength and hardness of the workpieces;
- Tempering - used as an independent operation (relieves internal stresses) and in combination with hardening - to reduce the fragility of the product;
- Normalization - provides the necessary durability for products that operate under dynamic and shock conditions;
- Aging - used primarily for non-ferrous metals and alloys, contributes to their more homogeneous structure;
- Refining - provides a more favorable combination of strength and toughness properties.
Chemical and thermal treatment
In addition, the heat treatment also include many varieties of chemical heat treatment, when the result changes the chemical composition of the macro-and microstructure of the metal. Evek GmbH offers services of selection and delivery of heat treatment processes of metal most effective for the conditions of the customer. The manufacturer's price is valid. Supplier provides timely delivery to the customer.
Thermal equipment by the method of generating heat and transferring it to the workpiece is divided into:
- Flame chamber furnaces (justified for small batches of thermally processed products);
- Continuous-flow automated flame furnaces (high productivity and stable quality of the final parameters);
- Electric heating units (the most effective in a large scale of application, provide the best working conditions for the operating personnel);
- Salt baths (allows to realize complicated heat treatment regimes, in particular for tool steels).
All kinds of equipment are supplied with devices, providing efficient control of all heat treatment parameters.
Buy. Furnizor, price.
Evek GmbH sells the most advanced technology for heat treatment of metals at producer prices. The supplier provides prompt delivery of the products to the consumer.