Table - calculating the weight of tungsten wire. Dimensions and thicknesses of tungsten wire.

Are you interested in calculating the weight of tungsten wire? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy tungsten wire at a favorable price. The supplier guarantees timely delivery to any specified address. Regular customers can take advantage of discounts. The price is the best in this segment of rolled products.

Tungsten wire, GOST 18903-73

Wire diameter, mcm Marginal deviation by diameter, % Tolerance, %, mass of 200 mm length.
increased normal increased normal normal
From 10 to 10,8 with an interval of-
0,2 - - ±3,0 -
" 11 " 17,4 same 0,2 - - ±3,0 ±4,0
" 17,5 " 39,5 " 0,5 - - ±2,5 ±3,0
" 40 " 79,0 " 1,0 - - ±2,0 ±2,5
" 80 " 178,0 " 2,0 - - ±1,5 ±2,0
" 180 " 285,0 " 5,0 - - ±1,5 ±2,0
" 290 " 355,0 " 5,0 - - ±1,0 ±1,5
" 360 " 590,0 " 10,0 ±1,0 ±1,5 - -
" 600 " 1080,0 " 20,0 ±1,5 ±2,0 - -
" 1100 " 1500,0 " 50,0 ±1,5 ±2,0 - -

The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy tungsten wire at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.

Tungsten wire of domestic production

Nominal diameter, microns Rated mass of the piece with the length of 200 mm, mg Allowable deviation by weight of 200 mm piece
increased normal
not less than not more not less than not more
10,0 0,30 0,29 0,31 - -
10,2 0,31 0,30 0,32 - -
10,4 0,33 0,32 0,34 - -
10,6 0,34 0,33 0,35 - -
10,8 0,35 0,34 0,36 - -
11,0 0,37 0,36 0,38 0,36 0,38
11,2 0,38 0,37 0,39 0,37 0,39
11,4 0,39 0,38 0,40 0,38 0,40
11,6 0,41 0,40 0,42 0,39 0,43
11,8 0,42 0,41 0,43 0,40 0,44
12,0 0,44 0,43 0,45 0,42 0,46
12,2 0,45 0,44 0,46 0,43 0,47
12,4 0,47 0,46 0,48 0,45 0,49
12,6 0,48 0,47 0,49 0,46 0,50
12,8 0,50 0,49 0,52 0,48 0,52
13,0 0,51 0,49 0,53 0,49 0,53
13,2 0,53 0,51 0,55 0,51 0,55
13,4 0,54 0,52 0,56 0,52 0,56
13,6 0,56 0,54 0,58 0,54 0,58
13,8 0,58 0,56 0,60 0,56 0,60
14,0 0,59 0,57 0,61 0,57 0,61
14,2 0,61 0,59 0,63 0,59 0,63
14,4 0,63 0,61 0,65 0,61 0,65
14,6 0,65 0,63 0,67 0,62 0,68
14,8 0,66 0,64 0,68 0,63 0,69
15,0 0,68 0,66 0,70 0,65 0,71
15,2 0,70 0,68 0,72 0,67 0,73
15,4 0,72 0,70 0,74 0,69 0,75
15,6 0,74 0,72 0,76 0,71 0,77
15,8 0,76 0,74 0,78 0,73 0,79
16,0 0,78 0,76 0,80 0,75 0,81
16,2 0,79 0,77 0,81 0,76 0,82
16,4 0,81 0,79 0,83 0,78 0,84
16,6 0,83 0,81 0,85 0,80 0,86
16,8 0,85 0,82 0,88 0,82 0,88
17,0 0,88 0,85 0,91 0,85 0,91
17,2 0,90 0,87 0,93 0,86 0,94
17,4 0,92 0,89 0,95 0,88 0,96
17,5 0,93 0,91 0,95 0,90 0,96
18,0 0,98 0,96 1,00 0,95 1,01
18,5 1,04 1,01 1,07 1,01 1,07
19,0 1,09 1,06 1,12 1,06 1,12
19,5 1,15 1,12 1,18 1,12 1,18
20,0 1,21 1,18 1,24 1,17 1,25
20,5 1,27 1,24 1,30 1,23 1,31
21,0 1,34 1,31 1,37 1,30 1,38
21,5 1,40 1,37 1,43 1,36 1,44
22,0 1,47 1,43 1,51 1,43 1,51
22,5 1,53 1,49 1,57 1,48 1,58
23,0 1,60 1,56 1,64 1,55 1,65
23,5 1,67 1,63 1,71 1,62 1,72
24,0 1,74 1,70 1,78 1,69 1,79
24,5 1,81 1,77 1,85 1,76 1,86
25,0 1,89 1,84 1,94 1,83 1,95
25,5 1,97 1,92 2,02 1,91 2,03
26,0 2,05 2,00 2,10 1,99 2,11
26,5 2,13 2,08 2,18 2,07 2,19
27,0 2,21 2,15 2,27 2,14 2,28
27,5 2,29 2,23 2,35 2,22 2,36
28,0 2,37 2,31 2,43 2,30 2,44
28,5 2,46 2,40 2,52 2,39 2,53
29,0 2,55 2,49 2,61 2,47 2,63
29,5 2,64 2,57 2,71 2,56 2,72
30,0 2,73 2,66 2,80 2,65 2,81
30,5 2,82 2,75 2,89 2,74 2,90
31,0 2,91 2,84 2,98 2,82 3,00
31,5 3,01 2,94 3,08 2,92 3,10
32,0 3,10 3,02 3,18 3,01 3,19
32,5 3,20 3,12 3,28 3,10 3,30
33,0 3,30 3,22 3,38 3,20 3,40
33,5 3,40 3,32 3,49 3,30 3,50
34,0 3,50 3,41 3,59 3,40 3,60
34,5 3,61 3,52 3,70 3,50 3,72
35,0 3,71 3,62 3,80 3,60 3,82
35,5 3,82 3,73 3,91 3,71 3,93
36,0 3,93 3,83 4,03 3,81 4,05
36,5 4,04 3,94 4,14 3,92 4,16
37,0 4,15 4,05 4,25 4,03 4,27
37,5 4,26 4,15 4,37 4,13 4,39
38,0 4,37 4,26 4,48 4,14 4,50
38,5 4,49 4,38 4,60 4,36 4,62
39,0 4,61 4,50 4,73 4,47 4,75
39,5 4,73 4,61 4,85 4,59 4,87
40,0 4,85 4,75 4,95 4,73 4,97
41,0 5,09 4,99 5,19 4,96 5,22
42,0 5,34 5,23 5,45 5,21 5,47
43,0 5,60 5,49 5,71 5,46 5,74
44,0 5,87 5,75 5,99 5,72 6,02
45,0 6,13 6,01 6,25 5,98 6,28
46,0 6,41 6,28 6,54 6,25 6,57
47,0 6,69 6,56 6,82 6,52 6,86
48,0 6,98 6,84 7,12 6,81 7,15
49,0 7,27 7,12 7,42 7,09 7,45
50,0 7,57 7,42 7,72 7,38 7,76
51,0 7,88 7,72 8,04 7,68 8,08
52,0 8,19 8,03 8,35 7,99 8,39
53,0 8,51 8,34 8,68 8,30 8,72
54,0 8,83 8,65 9,01 8,61 9,05
55,0 9,17 8,99 9,35 8,94 9,40
56,0 9,50 9,31 9,69 9,26 9,74
57,0 9,84 9,64 10,04 9,59 10,09
58,0 10,19 9,99 10,39 9,94 10,44
59,0 10,55 10,34 10,76 10,29 10,81
60,0 10,91 10,69 11,13 10,64 11,18
61,0 11,27 11,04 11,50 10,99 11,55
62,0 11,65 11,42 11,88 11,36 11,94
63,0 12,03 11,79 12,27 11,73 12,33
64,0 12,41 12,16 12,66 12,10 12,72
65,0 12,80 12,54 13,06 12,48 13,12
66,0 13,20 12,94 13,46 12,87 13,53
67,0 13,60 13,33 13,87 13,26 13,94
68,0 14,01 13,73 14,29 13,66 14,36
69,0 14,43 14,14 14,72 14,07 14,79
70,0 14,85 14,55 15,15 14,48 15,22
71,0 15,27 14,96 15,58 14,89 15,65
72,0 15,71 15,40 16,02 15,32 16,10
73,0 16,15 15,83 16,47 15,75 16,55
74,0 16,59 16,26 16,92 16,18 17,00
75,0 17,04 16,70 17,38 16,61 17,47
76,0 17,50 17,15 17,85 17,06 17,94
77,0 17,96 17,60 18,32 17,51 18,41
78,0 18,43 18,06 18,80 17,97 18,89
79,0 18,91 18,53 19,29 18,44 19,38
80,0 19,39 19,10 19,68 19,00 19,78
82,0 20,37 20,06 20,68 19,96 20,78
84,0 21,38 21,06 21,70 20,95 21,81
86,0 22,41 22,07 22,75 21,96 22,86
88,0 23,46 23,11 23,81 22,99 23,93
90,0 24,54 24,17 24,91 24,05 25,03
92,0 25,65 25,27 26,03 25,14 26,16
94,0 26,77 26,37 27,17 26,24 27,30
96,0 27,92 27,50 28,34 27,36 28,48
98,0 29,10 28,66 29,54 28,52 29,68
100,0 30,30 29,85 30,75 29,69 30,91
102,0 31,52 31,05 31,99 30,89 32,15
104,0 32,77 32,28 33,26 32,12 33,42
106,0 34,05 33,54 34,56 33,37 34,73
108,0 35,35 34,82 35,88 34,64 36,06
110,0 36,66 36,11 37,21 35,93 37,39
112,0 38,01 37,44 38,58 37,35 38,77
114,0 39,38 38,79 39,97 38,59 40,17
116,0 40,77 40,16 41,38 39,97 41,57
118,0 42,19 41,56 42,82 41,35 43,03
120,0 43,63 42,98 44,28 42,76 44,50
122,0 45,10 44,42 45,78 44,20 46,00
124,0 46,59 45,89 47,29 45,66 47,52
126,0 48,11 47,39 48,83 47,15 49,07
128,0 49,64 48,90 50,38 48,65 50,63
130,0 51,21 50,44 51,98 50,19 52,23
132,0 52,80 52,01 53,59 51,74 53,86
134,0 54,41 53,59 55,23 53,32 55,50
136,0 56,04 55,20 56,88 54,92 57,16
138,0 57,70 56,83 58,57 56,55 58,85
140,0 59,39 58,50 60,28 58,20 60,58
142,0 61,10 60,18 62,02 59,88 62,32
144,0 62,83 61,89 63,77 61,57 64,09
146,0 64,59 63,62 65,56 63,30 65,88
148,0 66,37 65,37 67,37 65,04 67,70
150,0 68,18 67,16 69,20 66,82 69,54
152,0 70,00 68,95 71,05 68,60 71,40
154,0 71,86 70,78 72,94 70,42 73,30
156,0 73,74 72,63 74,85 72,27 75,21
158,0 75,64 74,51 76,77 74,13 77,15
160,0 77,57 76,41 78,73 76,02 79,12
162,0 79,52 78,33 80,71 77,93 81,11
164,0 81,49 80,27 82,71 79,86 83,12
166,0 83,50 82,25 84,75 81,83 85,17
168,0 85,52 84,24 86,80 83,81 87,23
170,0 87,57 86,26 88,88 85,82 89,32
172,0 89,64 88,30 90,98 87,85 91,43
174,0 91,74 90,36 93,12 89,91 93,57
176,0 93,86 92,45 95,27 91,98 95,74
178,0 96,01 94,57 97,45 94,09 97,93
180,0 98,17 96,70 99,64 96,21 100,13
185,0 103,70 102,14 105,26 101,63 105,77
190,0 109,39 107,75 111,03 107,20 111,58
195,0 115,22 113,49 116,95 112,98 117,52
200,0 121,20 119,38 123,02 118,78 123,62
205,0 127,34 125,43 129,25 124,79 129,89
210,0 133,63 131,63 135,63 130,96 136,26
215,0 140,07 137,97 142,17 137,27 142,87
220,0 146,66 144,46 148,86 143,73 149,59
225,0 153,40 151,40 155,70 150,33 156,47
230,0 160,29 157,89 162,69 157,08 163,50
235,0 167,34 164,83 169,85 163,99 170,69
240,0 174,53 171,91 177,15 171,04 178,02
245,0 181,88 179,15 184,61 178,24 185,52
250,0 189,38 186,54 192,22 185,59 193,17
255,0 197,03 194,07 199,99 193,09 200,97
260,0 204,83 201,76 207,90 200,73 208,93
265,0 212,79 209,60 215,98 208,53 217,05
270,0 220,89 217,58 224,20 216,47 225,31
275,0 229,15 225,71 232,59 223,57 233,73
280,0 237,56 234,00 241,12 232,81 242,31
285,0 246,12 242,43 249,81 241,20 251,04
290,0 254,83 252,28 257,38 251,01 258,65
295,0 263,69 261,05 266,33 259,70 267,70
300,0 272,71 269,98 275,44 268,60 276,80
305,0 281,87 279,05 284,69 277,70 286,10
310,0 291,19 288,28 294,10 286,80 295,50
315,0 300,66 297,65 303,67 296,10 304,50
320,0 310,28 307,18 313,38 305,60 314,90
325,0 320,05 316,85 323,25 315,20 324,80
330,0 329,98 326,68 333,28 325,00 334,90
335,0 340,05 336,65 343,45 334,90 345,10
340,0 350,28 346,78 353,78 345,00 355,50
345,0 360,66 357,05 364,27 355,30 366,10
350,0 371,19 367,48 374,90 365,60 376,80
355,0 381,42 377,61 385,23 375,70 387,10

Buy. Supplier, price

Are you interested in calculating the weight of tungsten wire? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy tungsten wire at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.