The world's demand for stainless steel
General characteristics
Recently, there has been a steady growth in demand for stainless steel. All modern industries widely use elements and structures made of stainless steel, among them beams, pipes, cladding parts, fastenings and many others.
Advantages of stainless steel
It has high quality, exceptional reliability and, durability, has an attractive appearance. For example, construction companies are turning to the use of steel beams and pipes made of stainless steel. Such pipes have a number of advantages: they are lighter with the same strength, do not require special maintenance throughout the life of the pipe, and are more wear-resistant. Stainless steel is also widely used in other industries. It is in demand wherever resistance to corrosion, high strength and heat resistance, as well as hygienic properties are needed. If earlier metal cabinets covered with white paint were used in factories, now they are universally replaced by stainless steel furniture. In the food and medical industries, most equipment is also made of stainless steel. Items made of stainless steel are widely used in everyday life. And in order to make utensils, tools, valves, and other stainless steel parts, you need stainless steel square and round, angle and pipe.
Modern technology is constantly improving. New methods and alloys are being developed, which make it possible to use all the advantages of stainless steel more fully. The alloy composition includes chrome, nickel and special additives in different proportions: molybdenum, titanium, manganese, vanadium and others. There are three types of stainless steel: 1) austenitic, 2) martensitic and 3) ferritic. Austenitic stainless steel is the best of the construction materials, it has high strength, ductility and good corrosion resistance. This type of steel (this includes grades of 300 series) finds the widest application in mechanical engineering. Martensitic steel is a material of high mechanical strength. This type of steel is used in the manufacture of cutting tools and equipment parts for the chemical and food industries. It has corrosion resistance in mildly aggressive gas and liquid media. They are steel grades 30X13, 40X13 and others. Ferritic stainless steel is a steel with high resistance to corrosive environments, which explains its use in industrial chemistry, light and heavy industries, military industrial complex. The steel withstands long-term contact with concentrated acids: sulfuric, nitric, phosphoric and others. This steel belongs to the 400 series.
Buy, price
Evek GmbH has a wide range of stainless steel products of different grades in stock. All products are certified, meet the state quality standard and international standards. We offer favourable ordering conditions. On our site you will find all the necessary information. Our online consultant is always ready to answer your questions. You can find us on the Internet at There is a system of discounts for wholesale purchases.