Methods of metal melting
The most common type of acid resistant chromium-nickel stainless steel that is widely used in industry is the 12x18H10T type. It is used for the production of stainless pipe, stainless sheets, circles and other stainless steel products.
This product is made in a specialized shop, in special furnaces. Before the advent of new technologies, the method of melting stainless steel was different. The main methods of melting include the following. 1) The method of complete oxidation, which involves oxidation of all impurities and refining baths in white slag. This method, due to a number of drawbacks, was used for a short time. 2) The method with partial oxidation of steel, which involves the production of an alloy with a low-carbon soft structure. 3) By the method of the Kirov plant, which is based on the method of refining with the use of alumina slag from ground chamotte. 4) The method of fusion, which serves as the basis for the manufacture of special soft iron. 5) The mixing method involves the production of soft iron, protected by nickel, when both alloys are mixed in the same furnace. This technology was proposed in the Urals. 6) The method of stainless steel transfer using low-carbon charge blooms. Each of the methods yields wastes, which the technologists decided to use as well. This waste is combined with soft iron bloom and sent to the furnace for refining. But measures should be taken to prevent carburizing with electrodes in a special bath. It is necessary to be sure to check the condition of the electrodes and the furnace before starting work. 7) The method of remelting waste using active oxygen. This method allows you to control the oxygen level in smelting steel (high-chromium type), the degree of intensification of the charge smelting, as well as decarburization of metals. However, when oxygen is used, care must be taken to ensure that the charge contains an element that will give off mass heat during the oxidation process. Usually silicon is used for this purpose.
Buy. Price
Evek GmbH sells a wide range of stainless steel products at an optimal price. It is formed taking into consideration LME (London metal exchange) rates and depends on technological specifications of production without any additional costs. You can order and buy products of any parameters through our representative office or on the web-site of the company. The quality is guaranteed by the strict compliance with the technological norms of production. Lead times are minimal. The price depends on the order volume and additional terms of delivery. With wholesale orders there is a system of discounts.