Production of thick sheet stainless steel
For thick sheet rolling of stainless steel grade 12x18n10t, special single- and double-beam machines are used. Also broadband and semi-continuous machines, which are equipped with special units, are used. With the help of these units, heat treatment and finishing of thick sheets is performed. The cost of such technology is 5-15% lower than that of thick plate hot rolling on reversing mills. The widths and thicknesses of sheets coming off the wide strip mills are limited. The higher productivity of single- and double-stand thick plate mills has gained the most recognition. Such mills can produce thick stainless sheets of practically any size that is specified in GOST.
Plate Mill Production
Slabs and ingots are the initial billets for hot rolling of steel. Slabs are divided into rolled (produced on blooming and slabbing mills) and cast. Only cast ingots are used when rolling plates with a thickness of more than 60 mm. The weight of the ingots can reach 200-250 tons. The most rational way of rolling stainless steel is slab-rolling. The quality of the sheet surface and mechanical properties of the sheets are improved, metal consumption is reduced, productivity is increased and order execution is accelerated.
The initial size and weight of slabs depend on the size of finished stainless sheets. The slabs with the smallest width and thickness are the most convenient for processing. If the width is equal to the width of the sheet to be rolled, the number of passes is reduced and the productivity of the mill is increased. Modern thick plate mills are capable of rolling slabs up to 40 tons in weight.
The barrel length of a heavy plate mill depends on the width of the finished plates. Reverse stands are used as work stands: two-high (duo), four-high (quarto), three-high with middle non-driven roll, stands with vertical and horizontal rolls that serve as finishing stands in universal mills. Single stand thick plate mills consist of a quarto stand and a stand with vertical rolls. Vertical rolls squeeze the plates to a very accurate size across the width.
Twin-stand mills
These are considered the most common for rolling sheet steel. They are made up of a stand with vertical rolls and 2 working stands with horizontal rolls arranged in line. For heating the incoming billets, methodical furnaces and heating pits are used. The furnaces are equipped with devices that ensure billet-free slab extrusion.
Heating of the initial billets is carried out at t ° 1150-1250 ° C. The heated billets are fed one by one to the feeding roller table and then transported to the rolling mill. Slabs are rolled into thick stainless plates in one or more stands, depending on the mill equipment. Twin-stand mills have the ability to roll two slabs simultaneously. The rolling cycles in the finishing and roughing stands should be about the same, this helps to ensure consistent operation.
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Evek GmbH has a wide range of stainless steel products in stock. We appreciate the time of our customers, so we are always ready to help with the best choice. Our experienced consulting managers are at your service. The quality of the products is guaranteed by strict compliance with the norms of production. The terms of fulfilling orders are minimal. Wholesale customers receive preferential discounts.