Lutetium applications, physical and mechanical properties
Are you interested in the physical and mechanical properties of lutetium and its applications? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy lutetium and other rare earth metals at an affordable price in a wide range. Evek GmbH can deliver to any location on the continent. The price is optimal.
General information about lutetium
The chemical symbol for Lu, it is a silvery white, hard, dense metal from the group of metals - lanthanides, slowly tarnishes in the air, and at 150 °C it is actively covered by an oxide film. It is the densest and heaviest of the lanthanides, but it is also the rarest of them, although it is more common than silver or gold. It usually exists in the trivalent state, Lu3+. Most of its salts are colorless. Isotope 177 Lu is used in cancer therapy, and isotope 176 Lu, because of its long half-life, is used to indicate the age of meteorites. Currently, lutetium oxytorosilicate is used in detectors in positron emission tomography (PET). This is a non-invasive medical scan that creates a three-dimensional image of the body's cellular activity.
Like many other lanthanides, the main source of lutetium is the mineral monazite. In small quantities, it is extracted by reducing anhydrous fluoride with metallic calcium.
Physical properties
- The melting point is 1663 °C;
- Boiling point - 3402 °C;
- Density - 9840 kg/m3;
- Specific heat capacity: 154 J/kgK;
- Modulus of elasticity - 68,6 GPa;
- ultimate tensile strength - 2720 MPa;
Industrial application
Industrial application of lutetium does not have. One of its small commercial uses is as an oxide Lu2 O3 as a catalyst in the cracking of hydrocarbons at oil refineries. The metal has low toxicity. Evek GmbH offers to buy rare-earth metals. The price from the manufacturer. The supplier provides prompt delivery of products to any address.
Isotopes .
The metal has 35 isotopes whose half-lives are known with masses ranging from 150 to 184. Naturally occurring lutetium is a mixture of two isotopes 175Lu and 176Lu with a natural abundance of 97.4% and 2.6%, respectively.
Buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in the physical and mechanical properties of lutetium and its applications? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy lutetium and other rare earth metals in a wide range. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.