Europium applications, physical and mechanical properties
Are you interested in europium applications? Supplier Evek GmbH offers you to buy a wide range of metal products at an affordable price. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal.
Technical Characteristics
Europium is a rare earth metal of lanthanoid group, which was discovered in 1901 by French chemist Eugene Demarquey. The metal has a density of 5,240 kg/m3, a melting point of 822 °C, and a boiling point of 1,524 °C. It is a soft, silvery metal, the most active of the lanthanides, reacts with water with evolution of hydrogen, quickly tarnishes and stains in the air, has low toxicity. In nature, the metal occurs together with other lanthanides, mainly in the minerals monazite and bastnaesite. A common way to obtain europium is also heating Eu2 O3 (III) oxide with excess lanthanum in a vacuum. Evek GmbH offers to buy any rare earth metals. Price from manufacturer. The supplier provides prompt delivery of products to any address.
Europium can easily absorb neutrons, which makes it useful in nuclear power generation. A nuclear power plant produces electricity from nuclear fission energy. Slow moving neutrons collide with atoms of uranium or plutonium, breaking them up and releasing energy in the form of heat. The amount of energy produced in a nuclear power plant is determined by the number of neutrons released. Europium is used to absorb neutrons and control the nuclear reaction.
Europium is used in the printing of euro banknotes. It glows red under UV light, and counterfeits can be detected because of the lack of this red glow. Energy-saving light bulbs contain some europium to give a more natural glow. This metal is excellent for neutron absorption, making it valuable in control rods for nuclear reactors. Europium-doped plastic is used to make thin superconducting alloys.
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Are you interested in europium applications? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy a wide range of rolled metal products. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.