Cerium applications, physical and mechanical properties
Are you interested in the physical and mechanical properties of cerium and its applications? The supplier Evek GmbH offers a wide range of cerium at an affordable price. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal.
Technical characteristics
The chemical symbol Ce. It is a gray metal, darkens easily in air, reacts with water and ignites easily when heated. It is part of the mesmetal (about 50%Ce). It is the most common of the lanthanides. It occurs in a variety of minerals, the most common of which are bastnaesite and monazite. There is more cerium in nature than tin or lead, and almost as much as zinc.
Getting Cerium
Ce2 O3 oxide is extracted from bastnaite ore by heating and treatment with hydrochloric acid. Metallic cerium can be obtained by heating CeF3 fluoride with calcium or by electrolysis of molten Ce2 O3 oxide. Evek GmbH offers to buy any rare earth metal. The price from the manufacturer. The supplier provides prompt delivery of products to any address.
Variable electronic structure
This metal has a variable electronic structure. This means that only a small amount of energy is required to change the relative occupancy of the electronic levels. This results in dual valence states. When a cerium casting is exposed to high pressure or low temperatures, there is a volume change of about 10%. This metal exhibits complex low-temperature behavior. Four allotropic modifications are thought to exist:
- At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, it is known as γ-C cerium;
- Below -16° C γ-Ce converts to β Ce
- Below -172° C, β-Ce begins to change to α Ce.
Cerium is used in flat-screen televisions, low-energy lamps, and spotlights. Ce2 O3 oxide is used as a catalyst, in the inner walls of self-cleaning furnaces, and in catalytic converters. Nanoparticles of Ce2 O3 oxide are being studied as an additive for diesel fuel to speed up combustion and reduce exhaust emissions. CeS sulfide, a non-toxic red compound, is used as a dye pigment.
Buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in the physical and mechanical properties of cerium and its applications? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy a wide range of rare earth metals. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.